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HISTORY AND ANTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE 英国文学史及选读 English Literature College of Foreign Languages China Three Gorges University.

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1 HISTORY AND ANTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE 英国文学史及选读 English Literature College of Foreign Languages China Three Gorges University

2 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE Teaching Outline  1 Review  2 The Seventeenth Century  3 The Main Literary Form of the Period  4 John Donne

3 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE 1 Review  1.1 Define the following literary term:  Shakespearean sonnet Shakespearean sonnet  1.2 What is the theme of Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day ? 1.2 What is the theme of Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day ?  1.3 What is the writing style of Bacon’s essays? 1.3 What is the writing style of Bacon’s essays?

4 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE 1 Review (back) (back)  Shakespearean sonnet: A 14-line stanza written in iambic pentameter which employs the rhyme scheme abab, cdcd, efef, gg. It can be divided into three quatrains and a concluding couplet.

5 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE 1 Review (back) (back)  1.2 What is the theme of Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? The message is that in this world no beauty (in Nature) can stay except poetry or art; and your beauty can only last if I write it down in my poetry.

6 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE 1 Review  1.3 What is the writing style of Bacon’s essays?  clearness, conciseness, directness, forcefulness  forceful and persuasive,  compact and precise  graceful with balanced sentence structure.  sensible and calm.  Wisdom/ wise old sayings.

7 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE 2 The Seventeenth Century  James I in 1603 -Charles II in 1660  Social background of the Age  The Stuart dynasty (1603-1649, 1660-1714)

8 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE 2.1The Stuart Dynasty  James I (1603-1625)  Charles I (1625-1649 )  --1642 the outbreak of the Civil War/ the English Revolution  --1649 beheading Charles I  Charles II (1660-1685) Restoration  James II (1685-1688)  William of Orange (1688)

9 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE 2.2 Literature of the Period  no unity of spirit as in the days of Elizabeth  somber in character  has lost the romantic impulse of youth & become critical and intellectual.  Age of Milton

10 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE 3 The Main Literary Form of the Period  Poetry  Lyrics: The Cavalier poets The Metaphysical poets: John Donne  Narrative: epics by Milton

11 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE Collection  Questions?

12 College of Foreign Languages, CTGU College of Foreign Languages, CTGU H ISTORY AND A NTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH L ITERATURE

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