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Steps for catching and releasing dogs for sterilization.

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1 Steps for catching and releasing dogs for sterilization

2 Step 1 (a) The dog is caught by the dog catchers in a dog catching net (a net that has a long handle). There are usually four members in a dog catching team, one of them being the leader. Each member has a dog catching net, i.e. a net with a long handle.

3 Step 1 (b) According to the Dog rules (2001): The dog capturing squad shall consist of – (i) The driver of the dog van – (ii) Two or more trained employees of the local authority who are trained in capturing of dogs.

4 Step 1 (c) – (iii) One representative of any of the animal welfare organizations. Each member of the dog squad shall carry, a valid identity card issued by the local authority. The dog capturing squad will be accompanied by a representative of an Animal Welfare Organization nominated for the purpose. There are around 20-25 nets without these long handles in the dog catching pick up van.

5 Step 1 (d) The dog catching team usually leaves early in the morning when the most number of dogs are out on the streets. Most feral dogs sleep in a cool and sheltered place during the day so are difficult to find. Those that sleep on the sidewalks can be caught during the rest of the day as well.

6 Step 2 The dog is transferred to a net that doesn’t have a long handle.

7 Step 3 An entry is made in the ‘driver’s sheet’ (So called because the driver maintains it) Things noted are: Date and area of catching (at the top of the sheet) Name of catchers and driver (at the top or bottom) In the chart:  Serial number  Male/Female  Color of the dog  Road and landmark near where the dog was caught: usually the name of a shop/building/etc.

8 Step 4 The net in which the dog is put is tagged with the same serial number as in the ‘driver’s sheet.’ (usually on a sticky tape: this sticky tape is put on the short handle of the net) This is usually done by the leader of the dog catching team in coordination with the driver.

9 Step 5 The dogs are taken to the pound for sterilization. It should be noted that there is usually one person in the pick up truck where all the dogs are placed to ensure that none escape. The dogs are usually quite traumatized and scared and don’t try to escape, especially if the pick up van is not too big. If the van is big and there is no employee near the dogs, they tend to bite through the net to escape.

10 Step 5 Continued If at all a dog tries to escape, another net is put on that net (double net) and the net is turned over. It is only in extremely rare cases that a dog may escape and may happen if the dog catching team is not experienced or skillful. Usually 15 large dogs or upto 18 to 20 large and small dogs are caught at one time in a Tata pick up van.

11 Step 6 The dog is transferred to a kennel and the date the dog was caught and the same serial number on the net/driver’s sheet is transferred to the individual kennel.

12 Step 7 The dog is taken for the sterilization operation. The serial number is marked on the body of the dog. The ear is notched only after the successful removal of the reproductive part.

13 Step 8 The reproductive organs that have been removed are put in a jar with formalin for counting at the end of the week.

14 Step 9 The dog is returned to its kennel with the same serial number. If the dog is moved to another kennel post op, the date of catching and the serial number are again pasted on the new kennel.

15 Step 10 The dog is put in a net for release. The same serial number is again pasted on the net. (usually on a sticky tape)

16 Step 11 The dogs caught on the same day and areas are all loaded in the pick up van. The same driver’s sheet is handed to the driver. The dog is released in the exact spot it was caught.

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