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Lecture #6 Classes and Objects.

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1 Lecture #6 Classes and Objects

2 Objects You can look around you now and see many examples of real-world objects: your cat, your desk, your television set, your bicycle. These real-world objects share two characteristics: they all have state and they all have behavior For example, dogs have state (name, color, breed, hungry) and dogs have behavior (barking, fetching).

3 Objects Software objects are modeled after real-world objects in that they, too, have state and behavior. A software object maintains its state in variables and implements its behavior with methods. An object combines data and operations on the data into a single unit.

4 Classes In OOD, the first step is to identify the components, called objects. An object combines data and operations on the data into a single unit. In C++, the mechanism that allow you to combine data and operations on the data into a single unit is called a class. A class is a collection of fixed number of components. The components of a class are called the members of the class.

5 CLASSES class definition:
classMembersList consists of variables (attribute) and/or functions (method) declarations . class classIdentifier { classMembersList };

6 Classes

7 Classes Members of a class are classified into one of three categories: Private (default) : not accessible outside the class. Protected: not accessible outside the class. Public: accessible outside the class. Note: The keyword of category name is followed by colon (:) . Usually the data within a class is private and the functions are public. In the definition of a class, you cannot initialize a variable when you declare it. In C++, a class is a definition. No memory is allocated for the class itself; memory is allocated for the class objects (class instances) when you declare them.

8 Example int main( )‏ { Person student; student.setAge(20); student.setName(“Nora”); cout << ”student\'s age is " << student.getAge(); cout << " and Name " << student.getName() << ” \n“ ; cout << endl; return 0; } #include <iostream> using namespace std; Class Person { private: int age; string name ; public: void setAge (int yrs) { age = yrs; } void setName (string N) { name = N; } int getAge() { return age; } string getName() { return N; } };

9 Classes Defining Objects: Calling Member Functions: Person student;
student.setAge(20); student.setName(“Nora”);

10 Constructors Vs. Destructor
Constructors guarantee that the member variables are initialized when an object is declared. Constructors automatically execute when a class object is declared. The name of a constructor is the same as the name of the class. A class can have more than one constructor, Constructor Overloading. A constructor without parameters is called the default constructor Destructor automatically execute when a class object goes out of scope. The name of a destructor is the tilde (~), followed by the class name (no spaces in between). A class can have only one destructor. The destructor has no parameters.

11 Constructors & Destructor
Constructors and Destructor are functions without any type. As a result, they cannot be called like other functions. Note : A function can return a value of type class.

12 Example # 1 Circle::Circle(float r)‏ { setRadius(r); } // destructor Circle::~Circle()‏ {cout<<" ending object.."<<endl; void Circle::setRadius(float r)‏ { if ( r >=0)‏ radius=r; else radius=0; float Circle::getRadius()‏ { return radius; float Circle::area()‏ return 3.14*radius*radius; int main()‏ { Circle C1(5); cout<<"\n the area of the circle is: "<<C1.area()<<end l; return 0; } #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Circle { private: float radius; public: Circle(); Circle(float r); ~Circle(); void setRadiu (float r); float getRadius(); float area(); }; // constructors Circle::Circle()‏ { radius=0; }

13 Member Functions Defined Outside the Class
void Circle::setRadius(float r) The function name, setRadius(), is preceded by the class name, Circle, and a new symbol the double colon :: the scope resolution operator. It is a way of saying, Circle::setRadius() means “the setRadius() is a member function of the Circle class.” ‏

14 Example #2

15 Example#3 class country { private: int num_of_cities; public: country() {cout<<"\n Constructor called \n"; } void setNumOfCities(int num); int getNumOfCities(void); ~country() { cout<<"\n Destructor called \n"; } };

16 Con. Example#3 void country::setNumOfCities(int num) { num_of_cities = num; } int country::getNumOfCities(void) { return num_of_cities; } int main(void) { country Kuwait; int num = 5; Kuwait.setNumOfCities(num); num = Kuwait.getNumOfCities(); cout<<"\n Number of cities is equal to "<<num; return 0; }

17 Example #4 int main() { Book ABook(128) ;
ABook.SetPage( 56 ); Cout << “The current page is: “ << ABook.GetCurrentPage() ; Return 0; } #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> class Book { int PageCount; int CurrentPage; public: Book( int Numpages) ; // Constructor ~Book(){} ; // Destructor void SetPage( int PageNumber) ; int GetCurrentPage( void ) ; }; Book::Book( int NumPages) { PageCount = NumPages; } void Book::SetPage( int PageNumber) { CurrentPage=PageNumber; } int Book::GetCurrentPage( void ) { return CurrentPage; }

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