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Native American Wars IGCSE American History (US) Kofa High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Native American Wars IGCSE American History (US) Kofa High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native American Wars IGCSE American History (US) Kofa High School

2 Question 1 As white settlers moved westward what happened to the Native Americans?

3 Clashes Over Land As white settlers move west, they force natives onto reservations As time goes by the reservations get smaller and smaller

4 Question 2 Where is Sand Creek Located?

5 Question 3 Was the tribe that was attacked and aggressive/violent tribe?

6 Sand Creek Massacre 1864 Tribe found in Colorado Soldiers ordered to attack tribe  Tribe Peaceful  Primarily women and children Hundreds Dead

7 Question 4 What animal did the native Americans most commonly hunt in the west?

8 Buffalo Most tribes on the great plains depended highly on the buffalo for survival Question: try to think of as many things as possible that could be made from a buffalo.

9 Question 5 Name 3 things that a Buffalo could be used for.


11 Question 6 Over time what ends up happening to the Buffalo?

12 Buffalo As white settlers came west they hunted the buffalo to near extinction. Nearly causing native life/culture to end.



15 Question 7 and 8 What year did the Red River Wars begin? What started the Red River Wars?

16 Beginning of Red River Wars 1874 White Buffalo Hunters attacked More Indians dead then hunters Indians now wanted their land more then ever.

17 Question 9 Where were the Red River Wars fought?

18 Question 10 Why were American soldiers sent to the region?

19 Red River Wars Soldiers sent to Texas Purpose  Protect settlers  Push Indians into Indian Territory (Oklahoma)

20 Question 11 What happened at Palo Duro?

21 Red River Wars Battle of Palo Duro  Troops surround Indians  Indians Run  Soldiers burn Indians belongings and kill horses and mules  Indians have no choice but to move to Oklahoma  War Over

22 Question 12 Who was sent to Montana to protect settlers searching for Gold?

23 Beginning of the Battle of Little Bighorn Rumors of Gold in Montana Region George Armstrong Custer sent to protect settlers. America offered to buy land Indians refused

24 "You are the White Eagle who has come to steal the road (Bozeman Trail). The Great Father (the president) sends us presents and wants us to sell him the road, but the White Chief comes with the soldiers to steal it before the Indian says yes or no. I will talk with you no more. I will go now and fight you! As long as I live I will fight you for the last hunting grounds of my people.“ Red Cloud

25 Battle of Little Bighorn General Custer rode in search of tribe Custer had 200 hundred troops up against 2,000 to 3,000 warriors. Crazy Horse and his men beat Custer in 20 min.

26 End of Indian Wars Eventually Americans soldiers beat off the tribes. Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull eventually found refuge in Canada. Assimilation now begins

27 Question 13 What is assimilation?

28 Question 14 What is the Dawes Act?

29 Dawes Act Reservations broke and distributed to head of household.  160 for farming or  320 acres for grazing Land not used was sold  N.A. got no money.

30 Education Boarding Schools  Children taken from home  Put in schools to educate them.  Goal End the Indian Culture “kill the Indian and save the man”  Children torn between culture(parents) and their teachers.

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