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Published byDarcy Logan Modified over 9 years ago
HINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS JOINT MEETING 1-28-16 Operating Budget PRELIMINARY Proposal (from the Administration) to the School Committee January 7, 2016
FY 17 BUDGET COMMENTS AND CHALLENGES Special Education increased cost of tuitions, new positions (2.0) Facilities Maintenance new position, focus on preventative maintenance Expiring Bus Lease cost for bid spec. of new buses, cost of additional bus and driver Regular Education Staffing new FTEs, FY 16 LOAs (10), anticipated retirements (4), contractual increases Collective Bargaining and Individual Contract Negotiations all 6 CB units with one year to go, allowance for negotiation of individual contracts and related expenses Full-Day K for All Initiative tuition funded at same rate as FY 16 Chapter 70 and Foundation Budget new “foundation formula,” no FY 17 impact expected, free K impact minimal Reading Adoption for Grades 1-3
WHAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE OF THE FY 17 PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET? Budget Category CostIncrease Over FY 16 Regular Education $37,257,201 7.44% Special Education$11,547,139 8.03% Vocational Education $58,309 21.70% TOTAL$48,862,649 7.59% To date, the bottom line has been reduced by $84,883 for a new total of $48,777,776, an increase of 7.41%. More reductions are anticipated. Note that the budget detail slides all reflect the originally proposed figures.
JANUARY 21, 2016 UPDATE TO PRELIMINARY FY 17 OPERATING BUDGET Budget Adjustments 2300B ELL duplication error - $33,000 2300 Retirement: - $30,888 replacement at lower rate 2300 Retirement: - $20,995 replacement at lower rate Total Reduction - $84,883 Preliminary: FY 16 to FY17 Regular Education 7.44% Special Education8.03% Total$48,862,6497.59% Adjusted: FY 16 to FY 17 Regular Education 7.29% Special Education7.72% Total $48,777,7667.41%
HINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS Preliminary FY 2017 BUDGET (Net of Grants and Offsets) Base Budget INCREASE ACCOUNTACCOUNT TITLE2012-20132013-20142014-20152015-20162016-2017DECREASE 1100School Committee$45,850$46,850 $51,850$56,850$5,000 1200Administration$846,853$900,081$929,630$980,687$1,013,673$32,986 2200Principals$1,760,477$2,019,205$2,038,765$2,153,329$2,212,625$59,295 2300Teaching$18,645,917$19,132,387$20,173,486$21,231,308$22,575,391$1,344,083 2350Professional Development$185,100$187,000$212,590$223,340$236,002$12,662 2400Textbooks$237,137$264,066$286,586$350,533$583,286$232,753 2410Instructional Equipment$11,500$22,700$30,661$37,399$42,233$4,834 2450Instructional Technology$585,947$710,366$754,310$817,251$884,146$66,895 2500Library$537,159$600,901$634,320$630,765$690,132$59,367 2700Counseling$876,234$951,807$1,008,539$1,032,116$1,168,789$136,673 2800Psychological Services$329,464$339,448$489,640$507,960$530,834$22,874 3200Health Services$477,485$487,893$510,258$559,856$615,741$55,885 3300Transportation$1,236,613$1,298,185$1,293,024$1,271,327$1,457,879$186,552 3510Athletics$595,919$596,212$605,994$625,431$657,773$32,341 3520Other Student Activity$94,706$103,041$119,767$121,822$133,737$11,915 4110Custodial$1,329,369$1,442,428$1,545,001$1,619,691$1,666,125$46,434 4120Heating of Buildings$458,369$465,388$551,022$466,322$561,323$95,001 4130Utilities$732,145$724,333$863,924$858,641$860,124$1,483 4210Maintenance of Grounds$13,478$27,288$69,788$55,882$76,241$20,359 4220Plant Maintenance$718,640$757,748$812,286$895,046$992,059$97,013 4230Repairs of Equipment$107,370$106,053$106,550$110,491$115,504$5,013 5100Employee Retirement$75,792$63,516$23,755$75,940$46,700-$29,240 7000Non-Instructional Equipment00$0$1 $0 2100BSped Supervision$238,244$241,690$252,862$246,102$324,454$78,352 2300BSped Instruction$5,457,819$5,667,476$5,949,319$6,180,030$6,582,164$402,134 2350BSped Prof. Development$10,700$9,900 $0 2400BSped Textbooks$900 $0 2700BSped Counseling$388,316$405,603$494,426$515,662$534,401$18,739 2800BSped Psychological Services$231,753$245,277$248,714$261,237$272,291$11,054 3300BSped Transportation$627,287$573,011$562,563$588,774$673,584$84,809 9100BSped Programs w/ other Districts$3,543,599$3,255,628$2,496,457$2,886,218$3,149,446$263,228 3300EVocational Transportation$10,400 $0 9100EVocational Tuition$135,108$127,892$84,548$37,511$47,909$10,399 Allowance for increases$21,671$53,557$273,887$0$80,034 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGETTotal Budget$40,567,321$41,838,228$43,490,722$45,413,721$48,862,649$3,448,928
Proposed Budget Increase % ACCOUNTACCOUNT TITLE2013-20142014-20152015-20162016-2017(Decrease) Change 1100School Committee$46,850 $51,850$56,850$5,000 1200Administration$900,081$929,630$980,687$1,013,673$32,986 2200Principals$2,019,205$2,038,765$2,153,329$2,212,625$59,295 2300Teaching$19,132,387$20,173,486$21,231,308$22,575,391$1,344,083 2350Professional Development$187,000$212,590$223,340$236,002$12,662 2400Textbooks$264,066$286,586$350,533$583,286$232,753 2410Instructional Equipment$22,700$30,661$37,399$42,233$4,834 2450Instructional Technology$710,366$754,310$817,251$884,146$66,895 2500Library$600,901$634,320$630,765$690,132$59,367 2700Counseling$951,807$1,008,539$1,032,116$1,168,789$136,673 2800Psychological Services$339,448$489,640$507,960$530,834$22,874 3200Health Services$487,893$510,258$559,856$615,741$55,885 3300Transportation$1,298,185$1,293,024$1,271,327$1,457,879$186,552 3510Athletics$596,212$605,994$625,431$657,773$32,341 3520Other Student Activity$103,041$119,767$121,822$133,737$11,915 4110Custodial$1,442,428$1,545,001$1,619,691$1,666,125$46,434 4120Heating of Buildings$465,388$551,022$466,322$561,323$95,001 4130Utilities$724,333$863,924$858,641$860,124$1,483 4210Maintenance of Grounds$27,288$69,788$55,882$76,241$20,359 4220Plant Maintenance$757,748$812,286$895,046$992,059$97,013 4230Repairs of Equipment$106,053$106,550$110,491$115,504$5,013 5100Employee Retirement$63,516$23,755$75,940$46,700-$29,240 7000Non-Instructional Equipment0$0$1 $0 Allowance for increases$53,557$273,887$0$80,034 Total Regular Education$31,300,452$33,380,634$34,676,988$37,257,201$2,580,213 7.44% $0 2100BSped Supervision$241,690$252,862$246,102$324,454$78,352 2300BSped Instruction$5,667,476$5,949,319$6,180,030$6,582,164$402,134 2350BSped Prof. Development$9,900 $0 2400BSped Textbooks$900 $0 2700BSped Counseling$405,603$494,426$515,662$534,401$18,739 2800BSped Psychological Services$245,277$248,714$261,237$272,291$11,054 3300BSped Transportation$573,011$562,563$588,774$673,584$84,809 9100BSped Prog w/other Districts$3,255,628$2,496,457$2,886,218$3,149,446$263,228 Total Special Education$10,399,485$10,015,139$10,688,822$11,547,139$858,316 8.03% $0 3300E Vocational Transportation$10,400 $0 9100E Vocational Tuition$127,892$84,548$37,511$47,909$10,399 Total Votech$138,292$94,948$47,911$58,309$10,399 21.70% $0 Total Proposed Budget$41,838,228$43,490,722$45,413,721$48,862,649$3,448,928 7.59%
WHAT IS A NET BUDGET? The proposed operating budget is the amount requested to be appropriated by the Town for FY 17. The proposed budget is net of “offsets” in certain budget functions. Offsets may come from federal, state, and local grants, and revenues from tuitions and fees, such as are accrued in revolving accounts. Total offsets for FY 17 amount to Special Education$2,258,840 Regular Education$1,299,041 Total $3,557,881
Proposed Budget 2012-20132013-20142014-20152015-20162016-2017 Gross Special Ed Spending12,281,75112,278,35812,266,57613,009,16213,805,978 Grants IDEA-797,518-825,265-853,263-915,085-932,788 ECC-13,490 CB-767,625-777,118-1,160,184-942,740-1,013,537 Tuition Revolving-200,000-220,000 -370,000-220,000 Other Revolving SSEC/FDK-4,500-43,000-4,500-79,025 Total Offsets-1,783,133-1,878,873-2,251,437-2,320,340-2,258,840 Net Spending - Special Ed10,498,61810,399,48510,015,13910,688,82211,547,139 Gross Regular Ed Spending30,367,78431,761,80833,803,35636,031,67938,556,242 Revenue Offsets Athletics-224,000-260,000-294,000-312,661-312,600 Middle School Activity-53,789-64,949-74,116-78,139-68,000 Field Revolving Account-66,500-46,500-10,000-50,000-30,000 Building Revolving Account-23,850-20,819-7,500-100,812-55,000 Kids In Action-10,0000000 Drivers Ed-10,000 -5,000 Continuing Ed-10,000 -5,00000 Other (Drama, Student Parking)-13,000 -9,000 Cable Grant-33,451-36,208-18,104 -18,466 Other Offsets (Full Day K) -780,975-800,975 Total Offsets-444,590-461,476-422,720-1,354,691-1,299,041 Net Spending Regular Ed29,923,19431,300,33233,380,63634,676,98837,257,201 Total Offsets via Grants/Fees and Receipts-2,227,723-2,340,349-2,674,157-3,675,031-3,557,881 OFFSETS TO THE FY 17 OPERATING BUDGET
WHAT ARE REVOLVING ACCOUNTS? There are two kinds of revolving accounts that support programs and services in the HPS. Several revolving accounts support entire programs that do not therefore appear in the operating budget (ex. KIA, Food Services Program, Driver Education, etc.). Other revolving accounts collect fees and tuitions that are used to support certain aspects of school programs (ex. Athletic fees, field and building use fees, PreK typical child tuitions, etc.). Total Offsets to FY 17 Operating Budget from Revolving Accts. $685,000 Another $880,000 in FDK tuitions also offset the budget.
School Enterprise and Revolving Accounts as of January 19, 2016
What about Fall 2016?
K – 12 Projections for September 2016 (based on moving along December 2015 actuals) Grades K – 5 2003 - 363 (to gr. 6) + 306 (new K) + 8 (grade K to 1 growth) = 1954 Down 49, plus net other in/out migration Grades 6-8 1067 - 329 (to HS) + 363 (from grade 5) – 20 (to p.s.) = 1081 Up 14, plus net other in/out migration Grades 9-12 1198 + 329 (from grade 8) – 275 (graduates) – 20 (to p.s.) = 1232 Up 34, plus other net in/out migration Projections assume only private school out-migration and only K and K-1 new growth; so they are conservative based upon past experience of at least some other net increases. K number includes both full and half day (if any). 4267 Projected K -12
FY 2017 – NEW PROPOSALS The slides that follow list categories of proposals being recommended by the administration at this time; related costs have been included in the preliminary budget proposal figures. previously deferred or unfunded needs unique student needs and challenges other programmatic or support service needs A number of other administrator requests, while worthy of consideration, were not included in the preliminary proposal to the School Committee.
Budget ItemAccountStep RateHours / FTECost Math TutorsR2300184 Days$32.10100$118,128 Increase Elementary Math Specialist, 1.8 to 2.0R2300M30/13$98,0510.20$19,610 HS PE/Health SplitR2300M/5$62,6261.00$62,626 MS Art Increase,.6 to.8R2300M/12$85,2840.20$17,057 Elementary Tech Assistant SharedR2450261 Days$21.187$38,696 Post Secondary Planning Coordinator change to Guidance Counselor (incremental cost)R2700M/5$24,2341.00$24,234 Transistion Tutor at MSR2700170 Days$32.105$27,285 New MS Guidance CounselorR2700M/5$63,9801.00$63,980 Nurse - New MS and HS - Net of health aide reductionR3200B/3$53,0041.00$29,996 New Buses (Incremental Cost Estimate) 21 BusesR3300$147,405 New Bus Driver for 21st busR3300204 Days$22.805.75$26,744 New Maintenance PersonR4220$46,5421.00$46,542 SPED Administrative/Instructional Coord.S2100M/5$70,0001.00$70,000 SPED Teacher split between East and SouthS2300M/5$62,6261.00$62,626 Total New In the Base $754,929 Budget Impact from diminished revolving fund availability PreK Revolving ReductionZZ-Offset Change$150,000 Town Contribution to FPMZZ-Offset Change$25,000 Offset Impact on Budget$175,000 Recommended Additions to Preliminary FY 17 Budget
Previously deferred or unfunded requests These requests reflect previously identified needs that remain unmet. Increased cost of first year of 5-year bus lease (with 1 additional bus) – increase projected at 25% for all new buses in bid specs. Additional large bus driver (HPS employee) – to accommodate increase in middle school enrollment where ridership is high and requires all 21 proposed large buses. Math tutor hours for each elementary school (25/wk. for each school) - to increase attention to mathematics interventions, especially for underperforming students at grades 3-5. 1.0 maintenance worker – third year request to restore maintenance capability, with special attention to elementary and middle school fields and playground issues. 1.0 special education teacher (.5 each at East and South) – budgeted last year as part of FDK, but hiring deferred as result of need for 16 th session, when K revenue was not yet certain.
Positions or services necessary to meet unique student needs These requests reflect the changing demographics of the HPS population. 1.0 secondary school nurse (net cost of replacing aide role) - part of a multi-year effort to provide both RN and DESE - licensed nurses (replacing current aide roles) at both HHS and HMS to support student health needs and address the growing complexity and increasing number of serious medical issues in our largest buildings. 1.0 MS guidance counselor – to meet enrollment and growing social, emotional and personal counseling needs of the large HMS enrollment. Transition Room tutor hours (25/wk.) for HMS – to address needs similar to those the HS Transition Room serves.
Other proposals to address programmatic and support service needs.2 FTE Elementary Math Specialist – to increase from 1.8 to 2.0 math specialist services shared among 4 schools. In addition to providing support and modeling for teachers, role will also monitor and direct instruction for requested tutor hours for direct services to needy students. 1.0 HS health/PE teacher – to serve growing HS enrollment (currently served by only 2.0 PE teachers) and address the need for additional health education instruction. This role is also a component of a proposed change in HHS graduation requirements. 1.0 shared elementary technology assistant (or equivalent in per diem hourly support) – to manage setup and maintenance needs of increased technology in each of the schools. This role will allow the building tech specialists to continue with their focus on teaching and supporting teachers in technology integration.
Other Needs (Continued) 1.0 Special Education administrative/instructional support role – This position will provide support for the increasing demand for timely decision-making, supervision of instructional staff, and responsiveness to parents not possible with the current resources at the central office level. We are looking at several possible role descriptions and compensation models for meeting these needs..2 MS art teacher – to address the need for additional art instruction as the largest classes move into grades 7 and 8. Currently HMS has only 1.6 art FTEs. Incremental cost of moving Post-Secondary Planning Coordinator from Tutor rate to 1.0 FTE counselor – to ensure continuity of staffing from one year to the next. Since the inception of this role, we have lost tutors (all certified in guidance) to full time positions in other districts.
Base 17 over 16 Budget Increase% ACCOUNTACCOUNT TITLE2012-20132013-20142014-20152015-20162016-2017(Decrease)Change 2100BSped Supervision$238,244$241,690$252,862$246,102$324,454$78,352 2300BSped Instruction$5,457,819$5,667,476$5,949,319$6,180,030$6,582,164$402,134 2350BSped Prof. Development$10,700$9,900 $0 2400BSped Textbooks$900 $0 2700BSped Counseling$388,316$405,603$494,426$515,662$534,401$18,739 2800B Sped Psychological Services$231,753$245,277$248,714$261,237$272,291$11,054 3300BSped Transportation$627,287$573,011$562,563$588,774$673,584$84,809 9100B Sped Prog w/other Districts$3,543,599$3,255,628$2,496,457$2,886,218$3,149,446$263,228 Total Special Education$10,498,618$10,399,485$10,015,139$10,688,822$11,547,139$858,316 8.03% FY 2017 Special Education Budget Functions
SPECIAL EDUCATION ENROLLMENT January 2016 “Snapshot” By Level ( In + Out of District ) Pre-K 41 + 1 Elem. K-5186 + 9 MS 6-8140 + 7 HS 9-12+156 + 32 TOTALS523 + 49 # 572 # Does not include one SEIS student, whose tuition is deducted directly from Hingham’s Chapter 70 allocation. By Building EAST 48 K-5 + 41 PK FOSTER 37 K-5 PRS 55 K-5 SOUTH 46 K-5 MS140 6-8 HS156* 9-12+ TOTAL 523 * Includes 5 students in grade 12 +
FY 2017 – Student Services Staffing FTEs under 2300 B 3.0 Pre-K (E) 4.0 Ext K. (E,S,P,E) 4.5 Foster (K-5) 4.5 PRS (K-5) 4.5 East (K-5) 4.5 South (K-5) 7.0 MS (6-8)7.0 HS (9-12+) 5.0 Speech/Lang. (see CS) 2.0 Occupational Therapy 5.8 Reading1.0 BCBA 2.0 Inten. Skills I,II (E, S) Support Hours Para-educators, tutors, building clerical FTEs in other functions 2100BDirector 1.0 2100B Admin./Instr. Coord.(1.0) 2100B C.O. Clerical 2.0 2700B Elem. Psych./Chairs (4.0) 2700B E. Childhood Coord. (.7) 2700B OOD Coordinator (1.0) 2800B Sec. Psychologists (3.0) ____________ Contracted Services (CS) ELL Support(1.0), OT and PT.(2 part-time), **Sp./Lang. (1 part- time)
Out of District *Tuitions (2016-2017), projected for 51 students) Type of School Private Day Schools (19) Private Residential Schools (11) SEIS (Public) Residential (1) Other Public Schools (1) South Shore Educ. Collab. (17) Other Local Collaboratives (2) *Tuitions include known increases and projections for OSD requested increases. Some tuitions are for year-round services; some reflect a shared funding *Tuition Range $38,913to$ 114,261 $75,280to$ 272,577 Deducted from Chapter 70 $ 58,950to$58,950 $46,995to$67,530 $ 55,409to$ 56,043 SEIS - Special Education in Institutional Settings (add’ services only) OSD – Operational Services Division 3% increase assumed
THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! That is the overview. More detail is available. What questions do you have?
PERSONNEL CHANGES FULL YEAR LEAVES OF ABSENCE Twelve full year LOAs in FY 16 All are in Proposed Budget at “best guess” as to return or not, in the fall. Current best guess is that they will return and the budget reflects that salary. Formal confirmations for all are expected by March 1 (contractual date) or before. One formal (and one possible) LOA request for FY 17 known to date. Little, if any, savings is anticipated in this case, because of the particular license and degree status required.
BUDGET PROCESS for FY 2017 School Committee meets in a planning session and then develops and adopts Guiding Principles, Assumptions, and budget calendar Requests from departments go to building principals Requests from principals, technology manager, maintenance personnel, and student services director come to central office Superintendent and assistant superintendent meet with building principals and directors to discuss needs and review requests Business director meets with technology, students services, and maintenance personnel to review requests Central office administrators establish district priorities and develop administration-proposed budgets Proposed operating budget is presented to School Committee, initially through budget message and then with a PowerPoint at the first work session in January.
PERSONNEL CHANGES RETIREMENTS Five retirements for June 2016 are known as of today. One more retirement will occur in March. All six are reflected in budget (with anticipated savings already taken). Three of six benefit from contractual “early notification benefit” that reduces turnover savings. The number of additional retirements, if any, is anticipated to be small.
THINKING ABOUT OTHER CHANGES AND POTENTIAL REDUCTIONS OR POSSIBLE REVENUES ( where are the biggest swings possible? ) PERSONNEL CATEGORIES – New full year LOAs, unknown resignations or retirements, FY 16 LOA decisions SPECIAL EDUCATION – Tuition rate decisions by school/collaborative or OSD rate request decisions, anticipated or pending placements, unanticipated placements STATE FUNDING – CHAPTER 70 Review Commission recommendations (if any), cuts to local aid or CB allocations OFFSETS and/or REVOLVING ACCOUNTS – New fee/tuition structure revenues, increased RA offsets to Operating Budget VOCATIONAL EDUCATION – Potential new student(s)
WHAT BUDGET SHOULD BE PRESENTED AT THE JOINT MEETING? Questions for SC discussion: Does the proposed budget, aside from cost, reflect the SC priorities as regards needs? Is there consensus on amending the proposal by adding or deleting items at this point? Administration’s recommendation: Present the needs-based preliminary proposal to the Joint Meeting on January 28 th. Rationale: There still are several weeks before any group votes; that means lots of time for potential changes that may reduce the bottom line, thus allowing for more needed items to be retained. The Joint Meeting is a week earlier this year. The Jan. 28th th session will be the first televised public viewing of the proposed budget, and meeting attendees and viewers should see the entire proposal.
Requests from administrators NOT INCLUDED in this budget proposal and NOT RECOMMENDED at this time These requests are all worthwhile but, in the opinion of the central office administration, do not rise to the same level of priority for the FY 17 proposed budget as do other requests; so each is recommended to be deferred at this time..6 MS special education teacher – to meet increasing number of children who need a skills-based learning environment. MS language lab coverage hours – to provide for setup and oversight of equipment and for teacher support. Increased paraeducator hours for PRS and South literacy support – to restore parity of service for RTI/TRI..1 MS foreign language and.1677 PRS music – to restore two teachers at part time status (self-requested LOA) to 1.0. 1.0 MS/HS social studies teacher – to lower class sizes in several courses.
Administration, Facilities, Health and Transportation Trend FY 17 Preliminary Budget
Hingham Public Schools FY 17 Preliminary Budget
SPE CIA L DU CAT IN BU DGE T AS % OF TOT AL SCH OOL OPE RAT ING BU DGE T FY ’98 TO FY ’13 Fisc al Yea r % of Tota l Ope rati ng Circ uit Bre ake r FY 98 15. 7% FY 99 16. 8% FY 00 17. 8% FY 01 17. 1% FY 02 17. 7% FY 03 19. 0% FY 04 20. 1% 125, 804 FY 05 20. 9% 150, 000 FY 06 20. 6% 589, 384 FY 07 20. 6% 556, 912 FY 08 22. 5% 641, 777 FY 09 23. 3% 607, 366 FY 10 23. 3% 845, 081 FY 11 21. 5% 513, 039 FY 12 24. 6% 438, 670 FY 13 (pro pos ed) 25. 1% 767, 625 (Bu dge t figu res are net of gra nts and offs ets, incl udi ng Circ uit Bre ake r)
SPECIAL EDUCATION January 2016 ENROLLMENT BY SCHOOL School IEP Count EAST48 K-5 FOSTER 37 K-5 PRS 55 K-5 SOUTH46 K-5 MS 140 6-8 HS 156* 9-12+ ALL K-12+ 482 * Includes 5 students in grade 12 + Bld. Enrollment IEP % 509 9.4% 473 7.8% 485 11.3% 533 8.6% 1066 13.1% 1197 13.0% 4263 11.3%
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