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Student Voice Panel – Autumn 2015 and Spring 2016 What is it? A group of students who meet each half-term during an SMSC lesson. These meetings will be.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Voice Panel – Autumn 2015 and Spring 2016 What is it? A group of students who meet each half-term during an SMSC lesson. These meetings will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Voice Panel – Autumn 2015 and Spring 2016 What is it? A group of students who meet each half-term during an SMSC lesson. These meetings will be used by a member of staff to share information about a current or planned future development in school. The purpose of the panel is to provide feedback on the development and ensure the views of students are heard. Who is on it? The elected Head Boy and Head Girl will be joined by a number of students from each year group in the school. To become part of the panel, students will initially need to express an interest and depending upon the number of students who do this, an election process will then take place. Once elected, students will be members of the panel for three half-terms (half a school year) and a new election process will then take place. What impact will it have? Any developments brought to the Student Voice Panel will need the views of students to help them to be successful. After each Student Voice Panel meeting, details of the meeting will be available for all students to view on our Learning Platform and there will be the option for all students to contribute any additional comments that they have about the topic.

2 Student Voice Panel – Autumn 2015 and Spring 2016 The students who will be our representatives on the Student Voice Panel during the autumn 2015 and spring 2016 terms are: At the start of spring half-term 2 2016, students interested in becoming part of the panel will be invited to submit an expression of interest. Dependent on the number of expressions of interest, an election process will then take place to identify the representatives for each year group for the second half of this academic year. Y 8 Representatives Rebecca Stuart Matthew Porter Lucie Rhodes Owen Crow Eleanor Stephenson Y 9 Representatives Jack Sisson Dalton Pickard Y10 Representatives Charlotte Raw Abbie Hand George Hampson Aiden Robson Y11 Representatives Sadie (Head Girl) Joseph (Head Boy) Megan Thompson Clifford Cansfield Olivia Skilbeck Y7 Representatives Jessica Darnton Samuel Blanckley Student Voice @ SCC

3 Head Boy / Head Girl 2015 - 2016 Who are they? Sadie Joseph

4 Student Voice Panel – Thinking School Assessment When our Thinking School assessment visit took place on Friday 3 rd July 2015, our assessor (Ms Knapp) met with the members of the Student Panel to discuss their views of the Learning Box approach at Sedgefield. As well as this, our assessor also met with a group of Y9 tour guides and various other students across the day. Ms Knapp was extremely impressed with all of our students and we have been successful in becoming an Advanced Thinking School – one of only four secondary schools to have achieved this award in the country!

5 What are the benefits of the Learning Box? “It makes our school unique. It links to all subjects.” “Helps you map out ideas and show independent thinking during lessons.” “…the Learning Box is beneficial as it helps structure lessons and build a skeleton to help gather and process our ideas to apply.” “It helps students think more about their work so that they can achieve more.” “The Learning Box is commonly used and we memorise the meanings and the situations to use the tools.” “Makes getting your ideas down easy. Helps you to understand your progress in lessons.” “I think that the benefits of the Learning Box is that it helps process ideas so we know how to apply them in our work. “In higher years…maps and hats are already known and used subconsciously…”

6 What ideas do you have about how we develop the Learning Box and our approach as a Thinking School? “We should try to be more adventurous with which tools we use in lessons.” “Develop clearer links between Thinking Maps and the Three Storey Intellect.” “Teach supply teachers the difference between which map is which.” “Use maps more effectively to revise for exams and tests.” “Use the maps and the hats together more often.” “I believe the Three Storey Intellect should be before the other tools.” “Some tools are used more often than others and there are some tools it would be beneficial to use more often.” “Make it more appealing for younger students. Think about what would appeal to 12-16 year olds.”

7 Student Voice Panel The third meeting of the panel took place on Monday 15 th June 2015 during SMSC. Due to the Y10 Maths TOE, Student Voice Panel representatives from Y7 to Y9 attended. The focus of the meeting was our whole school approach to Enrichment and Mrs Hepples spoke the group about this, accessing the views of students in order to develop our approach to Enrichment further. How do you feel about the current Enrichment programme offered in school? How do you feel about the planned changes to the school’s approach to Enrichment for the future? What ideas do you have about the Enrichment programme that you feel could help to develop it further? ENRICHMENT Please see the following slide for details of the key points discussed during the meeting.

8 Student Voice Panel – Enrichment Feedback “…Activity choices are a lot better this year.” “I think that enrichment is really good because you get to do stuff that isn’t on the curriculum.” “Some of the activities can help you develop life skills – like first aid.” “Enrichment has gone a long way, the staff have done very well to arrange new and exciting things.” “It is good that transport is provided.” “It is a lot easier to sign up this year with FROG.” “I liked having an assembly which showcased what was offer during enrichment.” “We get the chance to do things that we wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to do.” “It is free!.” “Enrichment has a big range of activities and there is lots to choose from.” “…Activity choices are a lot better this year.” “I think that enrichment is really good because you get to do stuff that isn’t on the curriculum.” “Some of the activities can help you develop life skills – like first aid.” “Enrichment has gone a long way, the staff have done very well to arrange new and exciting things.” “It is good that transport is provided.” “It is a lot easier to sign up this year with FROG.” “I liked having an assembly which showcased what was offer during enrichment.” “We get the chance to do things that we wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to do.” “It is free!.” “Enrichment has a big range of activities and there is lots to choose from.” When the members of the Student Voice Panel met to discuss Enrichment, the statements below indicate some of the responses of students to the question ‘what is good about enrichment?’. When the members of the Student Voice Panel met to discuss Enrichment, the statements below indicate some of the responses of students to the question ‘what is good about enrichment?’.

9 Student Voice Panel – Enrichment Feedback “Can we make enrichment longer?” “There should be a chance to change activities if you don’t like the one you picked.” “Have refreshments available for students.” “Can we have KS3 study sessions?” “ICT support for students who are experiencing problems with FROG.” “Offer more activities off-site.” “Have taster sessions.” “Keep it on a Wednesday.” “Can we make enrichment longer?” “There should be a chance to change activities if you don’t like the one you picked.” “Have refreshments available for students.” “Can we have KS3 study sessions?” “ICT support for students who are experiencing problems with FROG.” “Offer more activities off-site.” “Have taster sessions.” “Keep it on a Wednesday.” 1.Investigate the possibility of refreshments being on offer for all students. 2.Use a fresher's style week to promote enrichment – students get to meet activity leaders, see the activity in action before they sign up. 3.Implement boosters for KS3 4.Link enrichment to work experience – for example take students to volunteer at a local animal shelter. 5.Introduce themed events/enrichment blocks. 6.Offer my life skill activities – life saving, cadets, driving school etc. 1.Investigate the possibility of refreshments being on offer for all students. 2.Use a fresher's style week to promote enrichment – students get to meet activity leaders, see the activity in action before they sign up. 3.Implement boosters for KS3 4.Link enrichment to work experience – for example take students to volunteer at a local animal shelter. 5.Introduce themed events/enrichment blocks. 6.Offer my life skill activities – life saving, cadets, driving school etc. The statements below indicate some of the responses of students to the question ‘how can we improve enrichment?’. The statements below indicate some of the responses of students to the question ‘how can we improve enrichment?’. Next steps

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