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Personal Education Plan Designated Teacher Guidance.

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1 Personal Education Plan Designated Teacher Guidance

2 The Process Every Looked After Child needs to have a PEP This records the child’s educational journey until now. It enables planning, target setting and establishes strategies for success. It brings together the people involved in the child’s education: Carers, child, ESLAC, social worker and school staff It is a working document and copies should also be stored securely

3 Initial PEP Within the first 10 working days of a child becoming LAC an initial PEP will identify vital information to support education Initiated and completed by the Virtual School team (ESLAC). Information gathered by phone/email discussion with the education provider and social care:  Attendance and related issues  Attainment levels and any SEND  Behaviour  Social & emotional presentation

4 Full PEP A full PEP should be completed within 20 working days of the child becoming LAC The PEP meeting will usually take place in school with the Designated Teacher for LAC, other relevant school staff, carers, social worker, ESLAC teacher and possibly the child / young person* The school does not need to attend a LAC review or provide additional paperwork. * Discussion will take place with young person beforehand

5 Why are PEPs important? They are Statutory documents To raise attainment and achievement Carers need to have a thorough understanding of their role in supporting education including attending Consultation Evenings and social events. The school need to understand the reasons why a young person is in care and how this may affect them. Including:  Legal terms: ICO, Section 20/Accommodated, Full Care Order  Contact with whom and when  Life Story work  Care Plan and Court dates  Other professionals involved; Unit Clinicians, Guardians Social workers need to understand the young person’s school requirements

6 PEP frequency Cambridgeshire are committed to completing a minimum of 2 full PEPs per academic year and a further monitoring PEP which will be completed via phone or e-mail. In the event of the child changing school or care placement a full PEP will need to be completed within 20 days.

7 The Paperwork Page 1 This information will be completed by the ESLAC teacher prior to the meeting Name: UPN: ICS Number: Date of Birth: Date of Meeting: Date of Next Meeting: Year Group:

8 Page 1 continued Your ESLAC teacher will complete this as a record of which sections have been completed TermSection Completed ABC Autumn Spring Summer

9 Page 2 The PEP is divided into 3 sections : Section A – To be completed by the Designated Teacher for LAC prior to the meeting Section B – Will be completed by the ESLAC Teacher at the PEP meeting Section C – will be pre-populated by the ESLAC Business Support Officer prior to the meeting

10 Section A The paperwork will be sent to the Designated Teacher for LAC for completion approximately 2 weeks prior to the meeting. Every section needs to be completed – adding N/A where appropriate. These documents are audited by VSH, Social Care and Ofsted. The PEP has been designed to be divided into 3 separate sections. This enables it to be split and used by different people as necessary.

11 Section A Page 3 Current snapshot of the child / young person’s education. The child / young person can be educated out of county, they remain the responsibility of Cambridgeshire social care and the Virtual School. Where possible we try not to move schools however in longer term placements it may be unavoidable. Bottom of page 3 Attendance - Welfare Call are a company employed by CCC to ring daily & check on attendance

12 Section A Pages 4-6 A Looked After Child with a Statement or EHC Plan may attend a school inside or outside of Cambridgeshire. CCC remain responsible for funding this placement. Pupil Premium Plus – this is not general Pupil Premium money. The Head of the Virtual School oversees and controls the spending of this money. Volunteers – some LAC will have independent visitors, e.g. An adult supporting reading etc Additional activities – we aim for all Looked After Children to engage in a wide range of activities and opportunities, these are noted in this section of the PEP.

13 Section A Page 7 Foundation Stage –this needs to be backdated by the Designated Teacher for LAC P levels for those with SEND CAT scores as appropriate

14 Section A Pages 8-9 Current Educational Progress and / or Attainment P = Predicted end of year grade A = Actual end of term 1 grade A = Actual end of term 2 grade A = Actual end of term 3 grade It is expected that these boxes will be completed (with backdated information) by the Designated Teacher for LAC. Age related progress and progress can be different things

15 Transition Page 9 Young people who are looked after may find transition very difficult. They will need more support than other young people both within and between schools / education providers. Planning is key. Schools / education providers must therefore plan for transition especially if a young person is moving establishment at any time in the academic year.

16 Pupil’s Views Page 10 The Designated Teacher for LAC must meet with the child / young person in advance of the PEP meeting and have a 1:1 conversation about their views. This page should be completed using the child / young person’s own words. Their voice must be heard and recorded in the PEP.

17 Section B Page 11 The ESLAC teacher will complete Section B at the PEP meeting making a note of any appropriate actions necessary to ensure the child / young person achieves their targets. Schools will be challenged to provide the best opportunities for Looked After Children Page 11 refers to actions set in the previous PEP. This will be the starting point of the meeting.

18 Section B Page 13 A long term Key Stage objective will also be requested to help monitor progress overall. Targets and actions should be shared with the class / subject teacher. These targets may need to be reviewed within shorter timescales (right hand column)

19 Section C Pages 14-16 Section C of the PEP will be pre-populated with data by the ESLAC Business Support Officer and the information will be checked for accuracy at the meeting Sensitive Issues – schools must be aware of information in this section The PEP is a confidential document, however, there is a clear need to share aspects contained within it within the education setting.

20 Education Record Page 17 Ofsted require Virtual Schools to maintain a record of the number of school changes by Looked After Children, and the reason for the change. These pages will be updated when appropriate by the ESLAC teacher. List any periods without a school / education place giving dates and reasons: Who is responsible for the young person attending school / education? Other education professionals currently involved e.g. Educational Psychologist, Attendance & Inclusion etc:

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