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M&G 3.1a anticipatory set Powerful Polygon & Circle Parts Or, How to Stop Worrying and Love Geometry.

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Presentation on theme: "M&G 3.1a anticipatory set Powerful Polygon & Circle Parts Or, How to Stop Worrying and Love Geometry."— Presentation transcript:

1 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set Powerful Polygon & Circle Parts Or, How to Stop Worrying and Love Geometry

2 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set

3 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set Pyramid at sunset, the Louvre. Paris, France

4 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set 3-sided form What Figures do you see? What do you know about them? How many triangles are there? How many trapezoids are there?

5 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set Who needs triangles? mblin/A499XF.html

6 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set Name the Parts In ABC, name the following parts: –Angles of the triangle –Sides of the triangle –An altitude of the triangle –An angle bisector of the triangle –A right angle. A B C D E

7 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set 30017.html

8 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set Altitude Attitude InsideOutsideOn

9 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set

10 Lines, Lines, Lines Name the line. Name the ray. Name the segment. F E D C B A

11 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set Lines, Segments Rays

12 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set

13 Circle Circuits How many circles do you see? Can you find a diameter? Can you find a radius? Are there any chords? ManholeCovers/Slideshow/img4.html

14 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set

15 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set

16 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set Polygons

17 M&G 3.1a anticipatory set

18 Geometric Smarts What are we going to learn? –Geometric shapes and their parts. Why are we going to learn this? –To know how the little parts of a big thing work. –A car is made up of an engine, a radiator, a transmitter, etc., –In geometry, the smaller parts relate to the bigger picture. –The world around us is full of natural and human made geometric shapes whose properties define the space they occupy.

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