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Time Management By Josh Bregar Intro To Career Education - CRED-CE106-01 Mohawk College.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Management By Josh Bregar Intro To Career Education - CRED-CE106-01 Mohawk College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Management By Josh Bregar Intro To Career Education - CRED-CE106-01 Mohawk College

2 What will be covered What is time management? Common poor habits How to fix these poor habits Keys to time management success

3 What is time management Time management is the ability to break down and divide your available resources effectively in order complete various given tasks at hand. Time management is a crucial aspect to being successful in the workplace, but more importantly, in school. “Time managment is really about self management... it is about managing ourselves to make the most of our time.”(CRED Time Management).

4 Did you know? That the average student has twenty in class hours a week in college. In addition to this, they are expected to put in an additional one-two hours of “homework” time for every hour they are in class. This means school is a full time job! You must be able to appropriately divide your available time to tackle each task you have to do.

5 Common Poor Habits We are all at one point guilty of these habits. Procrastination: delaying your tasks that need to be completed until the last minute. Students often give themselves false reasons to procrastinate such as working better under pressure, something else is more important when it is not, not willing to make small sacrifices to do the homework, assignments, studying, etc. Taking on too much at once: You only have so much time in a day so it is crucial that you do not overload with activities and jobs that make study time nearly impossible to do. (Eg. School, working a job, being on a sports team, club, commuting long distances, anything that takes up a chunk of your time on a daily basis) Technology: Going on social media websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube are all distractions that cut away from being effective when trying to study, do homework. Also, we often study with the TV on as “background noise” which is a big no-no as we tend to focus more on the television rather than our work.

6 Why kick these habits? It is important to remove these bad habits from your school routine as it often catches up to us and makes us pay down the road. Makes you prone to playing 'catch up' all semester You rarely have time to do more than the minimum that is required on any assignment. Therefore your work never reflects your true effort. The constant need to cram your tasks means that little information can be remembered so you are not really learning the material It reinforces work habits which are not consistent with most careers. (CRED Time Managament)

7 How to fix those habits In order to become better with your time management, you need to become more structured and disciplined. A great method to achieve that is by creating a daily or even weekly calendar that outlines your day by the hour and all of your upcoming tests, assignments and other important dates. This allows you to visually see what your day looks like and to plan what to do in your spare time. You can create a physical calendar or online. E-Learn has a calendar tool that makes it quick and easy to view your upcoming due dates. Furthermore, an app called “Timetable” is a great app to manage all of your upcoming tasks, due dates and even your school schedule with alerts. But you cannot expect to create a calendar and expect results, you must STICK to your calendar and stay disciplined. Or else it is just a calendar and not a time managing tool.(CRED Time Management)

8 How to fix these problems continued Another big distraction is technology, it can do a lot to make our lives easier but can also distract must while trying to do the task at hand. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. should all be removed from reach when you are doing school work. Simply putting your phone away and not studying with your laptop are great measures to take to ensure you do not get distracted. In addition, stay away from televisions, your study place should be in a quiet area that has no distractions what so ever!

9 The 7 Keys to Success Create a daily/weekly calendar that easily lays out your daily schedule. Study in a quiet room with no distractions whatsoever (phones, tv, etc.) Finish the tasks that are the most important to get done (ex. Completing a 20% weighted assignment before finishing a 5% weighted quiz) Start your day of by planning our your day, make mental notes and use your schedule to create a “gameplan” for that day. Prepare for interruptions, not everything is going to go as expected so make sure to give yourself some room for error in your calendar (10 Time Management Tips). “Peg a time limit to each task. Be clear that you need to finish X task by 10am, Y task by 3pm, and Z item by 5:30pm. This prevents your work from dragging on and eating into time reserved for other activities.” Don’t take on more than you can handle. For the distractions that come in when you’re doing other things, give a firm no. Or defer it to a later period. (Lifehacker Time Management Tips)


11 References Intro To Career Education – Time Management (Elearn) Intro To Career Education – Procrastination (Elearn) Intro To Career Education – Time Management Video (Elearn) 10 Time Management Tips management.html management.html

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