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Your school is a learning centre, and there is lots to learn!

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Presentation on theme: "Your school is a learning centre, and there is lots to learn!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your school is a learning centre, and there is lots to learn!

2 The playground: swings slide hopscotch balls

3 The office: secretary principal computer

4 The washrooms: Boys Girls Staff

5 The field: sports running line up for fire drills

6 The library: books librarian globe

7 The hallways: doors windows fountain

8 The gym: mats climbing bars balls hoops ropes

9 The workroom: paper photocopier shelves

10 The computer lab: boards computer stations printer

11 The kindergarten: toys tables chairs shelves

12 The Multipurpose Room: counters cupboards fridge boards tables

13 The medical room: Medicine bandages cot First Aid

14 Your school is a learning centre, and you are the learner!

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