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Meeting #3 Superintendent Torlakson’s Advisory Task Force on Accountability and Continuous Improvement 1 1/7/2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting #3 Superintendent Torlakson’s Advisory Task Force on Accountability and Continuous Improvement 1 1/7/2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting #3 Superintendent Torlakson’s Advisory Task Force on Accountability and Continuous Improvement 1 1/7/2016

2 Welcome & Agenda Review 2 1/7/2016

3  Discuss, review, and refine key components of a future Accountability and Continuous Improvement system for California; and  Discuss how we can build a culture of success, improvement, and support. 1/7/2016 3 Meeting Objectives

4 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Concept Paper / Framework 1/7/2016 4 Where We Are Today

5 TimeItem 10:25Introductions and Warm-up 10:35Presentation of Draft Concept 11:15Responding to the Draft Concept 12:00Lunch 1:15Building a Culture of Success, Improvement, and Support 2:15Next Steps 2:45Closing 3:00Adjourn 1/7/2016 5 Today’s Agenda

6  Name  Organization  Given where we are today (the draft framework, passage of ESSA, etc.), where are we on the loading bar (scale of 1-10) of developing a system of accountability and continuous improvement? 1/7/2016 6 Introductions and Warm-up

7  Engage in creative and candid discussion  Use discretion when communicating about the process  Use agreed-upon talking points  Respect different perspectives  Be direct  Be courageous 1/7/2016 7 Ways We Prefer to Work Together

8 9/21/15 8 Polling/Decision Making Tool

9 1/7/2016 9 Draft Concept Overview

10  Our new systems should build upon proven techniques of management and organizational development that stress:  clearly defining success;  supporting the realization of success; and  providing high-profile recognition as success occurs. 1/7/2016 10 Accountability and Continuous Improvement Systems Target Success

11  California’s Accountability and Continuous Improvement System should rely on a holistic picture of how schools and districts are performing in regard to both performance outcomes and equity for all student subgroups. The state’s system should simultaneously look at the ways in which performance and equity are improving in order to fully realize the outcomes that we seek. 1/7/2016 11 Performance. Equity. Improvement.

12  To build a system that fully supports and values performance, equity, and improvement, California’s Accountability and Continuous Improvement System should rest equally on each of these pillars. It should examine indicators and build capacity in each area, resulting in a comprehensive effort to provide a world-class education for all students. 1/7/2016 12 Performance. Equity. Improvement.

13 Collaboration and Engagement Planning for Quality and Continuous Improvement Accountability Framework Whole Child Development

14 1/7/2016 14 Framework: Measures Outcomes Academic performance, graduation rate, etc. Improvement Rate of performance improvement

15  Ratings for Performance and Equity Based on Outcomes and Improvement Measures (Alberta Model) Framework: Measures and Continuous Improvement 15 Improvement Outcomes Very HighHighIntermediateLowVery Low Improved Significantly ExcellentGood Emerging Improved ExcellentGood EmergingIssue Maintained ExcellentGoodEmergingIssueConcern Declined GoodEmergingIssue Concern Declined Significantly EmergingIssue Concern

16 1/7/201616 Outcomes Very High High Intermediate Low Very Low Improvement Improved Significantly Improved Maintained Declined Declined Significantly Performance Rating Excellent Good Emerging Issue Concern Recognition and Improvement Supports Awards Improvement and Shared Learning for All LEAs Targeted Improvement Support Intensive Improvement Support

17 Grad rates and Growth in Grad rates (largest 50 districts, All Students)

18 Grad Rate/Growth in Grad Rates – Low Income Students

19 Grad Rate / Growth in Grad Rate – Special Education

20 Potential Standards for Performance and Growth – Grad rates (all students)

21 Framework: Recognition and Differentiated Improvement Supports Type of Support Improvement and Shared Learning for All LEAs Targeted Improvement Support Intensive Improvement Support

22 1/7/2016 22 California Performance, Equity, and Improvement Awards AwardCriteria Summiteer/Elevation Gain Award Outstanding improvement The Mt. Whitney AwardOutstanding outcomes The Mt. Shasta Award Exceptional service and support to other LEAs / schools The Mt. Baldy Award Outstanding improvement in eliminating achievement gaps across student subgroups

23 1/7/2016 23 Planning Components and Implementation Tools: Today Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Local Education Agency Plan (LEAP) State Education Agency Plan (SEAP) California School Recognition Program LCAP Evaluation Rubrics (Under Development)

24 1/7/2016 24 Planning Components and Implementation Tools: Future Integration Pathway State Accountability and Continuous Improvement Plan (SACIP) Local Control Accountability and Continuous Improvement Plan (LACIP) Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) (School) Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Local Education Agency Plan (LEAP) State Education Agency Plan (SEAP) California School Recognition Program LCAP Evaluation Rubrics

25 1/7/2016 25 Planning Components and Implementation Tools: Integrated and Aligned Plans Local and State Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Rubrics Local Control Accountability and Continuous Improvement Plan (LACIP) State Accountability and Continuous Improvement Plan (SACIP)

26 1/7/2016 26 Planning Components and Implementation Tools: Indicators and Tools Local Control Accountability and Continuous Improvement Plan (LACIP) State Accountability and Continuous Improvement Plan (SACIP) Local Indicators LEA, School, and Student Subgroup Indicators Statewide Indicators State Supported Accountability and Continuous Improvement Support Tool Library System Indicators

27 1/7/2016 27 Responding to the Draft Concept

28  In small groups of 3-4 people:  Identify a recorder to take notes  Take 45 minutes to discuss and record your reactions to the draft concept:  What components do you think are on the right track?  What components are missing? 1/7/2016 28 Responding to the Draft Concept

29 1/7/2016 29 Gallery Walk

30 1/7/2016 30 Lunch

31 1/7/2016 31 Building a Culture of Success, Improvement, and Support

32  How do we build a system where we fully establish our trust in locals to drive their own improvement efforts and to realize outcomes with the levels of support described in the concept paper? 1/7/2016 32 Building a Culture of Success, Improvement, and Support

33  Individual reflection on the focus questions (5 min.)  Then, count off into four groups  Initial focus questions:  Groups 1 and 3:  What will it take to build the capacity at the local level so locals are able to do this work?  Groups 2 and 4:  What would be important considerations when thinking about how to implement and evaluate this new system? 1/7/2016 33 Building a Culture of Success, Improvement, and Support

34  Form new groups with people that have the same card number:  Keeping in mind your previous discussion, how can we support, build capacity for, and ensure collaborative decision-making at the local and state levels with regard to identifying areas of support? 1/7/2016 34 Building a Culture of Success, Improvement, and Support

35  Discuss next steps based on today’s meeting  Are there additional topics not covered today that need to be included in the concept paper?  What pieces/sections of the concept paper require deeper dive conference calls?  Next meeting: Monday, February 22 in Sacramento 1/7/2016 35 Next Steps

36  Given where we are now, where are we on the loading bar (scale of 1-10) of developing a system of accountability and continuous improvement? 1/7/2016 36 Closing

37 1/7/2016 37 Thank You!

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