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L. Serin CNRS/IN2P3 AIDA Second Annual Meeting 1 Deliverables M1 - M128 M13-M246 M25-M367 M37-M4833 Y1 : All achieved, a few ones with 6 months delay Y2.

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Presentation on theme: "L. Serin CNRS/IN2P3 AIDA Second Annual Meeting 1 Deliverables M1 - M128 M13-M246 M25-M367 M37-M4833 Y1 : All achieved, a few ones with 6 months delay Y2."— Presentation transcript:

1 L. Serin CNRS/IN2P3 AIDA Second Annual Meeting 1 Deliverables M1 - M128 M13-M246 M25-M367 M37-M4833 Y1 : All achieved, a few ones with 6 months delay Y2 : Three are not achieved : - First set of macro blocks (WP3) : 65nm CERN contract  7 months delay - DAQ / EDMS (WP8)  7 months delay - Pile-sup software activity (LHC running)  13 months delay Y3 : Now Y4 : Will be heavy load, any document which can be ready before is welcomed (AIDA scientific notes, reports….)

2 L. Serin CNRS/IN2P3 AIDA Second Annual Meeting 2 Milestones M1 - M128 M13-M2415 M25-M3614 M37-M4810 Now !!! Y1 : All achieved with minor delays Y2 : All achieved, some reports still expected even if no required

3 L. Serin CNRS/IN2P3 AIDA Second Annual Meeting 3 CERN beam test / Extension / MTR SPSC talk : focus on the need to have access to beam test at CERN at early start at CERN for neutrinos prototypes and calorimeters Present low energy beam design with strong support from AIDA community to encourage CERN to build it asap MTR : - Explain that CERN/beam schedule has been modified since AIDA project acceptation but all AIDA infrastructure equipment will be delivered over AIDA duration, and qualification/commissioning of these equipment will have to be performed without high particle beam (electronics/DAQ tests, cosmics rays, and test at DESY/Frascati if equipment can be moved)

4 L. Serin CNRS/IN2P3 AIDA Second Annual Meeting 4 Documentation We need to improve our documentation (recommendation from advisory Committee) : - suggest to require 1-2 pages for any milestone (up to now only require a message validating the milestone) - GB representative to check that relevant presentation at conference using AIDA support include the AIDA acknowledgement and to record it in AIDA CDS Any other suggestion ?

5 L. Serin CNRS/IN2P3 AIDA Second Annual Meeting 5 Schedule First list of targeted topics might appear in June/July : -To ensure smooth continuation of AIDA, need to appear in this call  Lobbying over May towards national representative in EU program committee (but we should give a common/coherent message….) -If ok, need to build/write a proposal. Expect EU call early 2014 so concrete discussions should start around summer - If success, negotiation/grant agreement is taking ~1 year

6 L. Serin CNRS/IN2P3 AIDA Second Annual Meeting 6 Organization Reminder AIDA proposal phase (started from DEVDET proposal community): - Small team of 5-6 people from communities (SLHC, LC, neutrinos and B physics) + 2 for administrative support from CERN - Prepare the main objectives of the project, - Define the various WP leaders for the proposal writing - Define the budget sharing between WP and partners - Interaction with National Project representative with a few plenary meetings Which organization for H2020 proposal ? -Use AIDA bodies (steering group) or create dedicated committee with community representatives and/or GB representative -Preparation meetings with GB members or whole AIDA community… In any case, I would suggest we review first the communities needs/goals to build a coherent proposal, and then only discuss institute contributions

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