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Reel Vet Event Recap We had 9 vets No fish were caught during the official outing One fish was caught Saturday night Quilt presentation Pictures Message.

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Presentation on theme: "Reel Vet Event Recap We had 9 vets No fish were caught during the official outing One fish was caught Saturday night Quilt presentation Pictures Message."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reel Vet Event Recap We had 9 vets No fish were caught during the official outing One fish was caught Saturday night Quilt presentation Pictures Message from one of the vets I just want to say it was great to meet all of you at the Reel Vet Muskie Jamboree this past weekend. I had a blast and would specially like to thank mike for sharing his muskie fishing wisdom with me on all day and for the great memories. Hope i can participate again sometime Aug 18th, 8:04pm. And that i already bought a new muskie pole.... the fever has hit again smile emoticon thank you again for every thing you did last weekend

2 Signage Update Tyler update

3 DNR Trip/Meeting Had to call the outing off due to Mother Nature being difficult Met Peter Ledvik from the Canadian MI. Some members were able to meet and take him out fishing. Steve Update on DNR meeting at Cabelas

4 DNR Trip/Meeting-Cont' Steve Update on DNR meeting at Cabelas Notes from 8-25-15 Musky Standing Team WI DNR Agenda discussions: Changing various size limits, habitat restoration projects/enhancement (webpage ‘fishstick’) Stocking density/prioritizing lakes Expressed concern about low population density on lakes with traditionally good natural reproduction including Plum, Minocqua chain, Pelican, Nekomis and a couple others

5 DNR Trip/Meeting-Cont' Steve Update on DNR meeting at Cabelas UWSP Group: Presented a method of more accurately predicting population density. There will be a future study on three natural reproduction lakes and three stocked lakes. They believe the pit tags should make for a significant improvement in future sentiments

6 DNR Trip/Meeting-Cont' Steve Update on DNR meeting at Cabelas Spotted Musky: 9600 yearlings were planted Estimated 5000-6000 fingerlings in the Kewaunee ponds to be released mid Sept. 9000 Spotted Musky are anticipated from St Clair and will over winter at Wild Rose Hatchery

7 DNR Trip/Meeting-Cont' Steve Update on DNR meeting at Cabelas Pit Tags Hayward area: 12,000 Musky have been tagged There continues to be discussion of tweaking the trolling limit of 2 lines per boat to one line per angler

8 Notes More pics for the site Robert Parteka update on a 9 year old girl. Benefit in Kaukauna. Lure for a cure update Elections coming up Prayers for Emily Koehler update LET'S GIVE A HOOT was a HUGE success! We had 249 baskets, 23 $5 baskets, and 35 silent auction items! Special thanks to our volunteers for taking time out of their day to help us. It was incredible to see so many people support the family.

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