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+ Taking “different” out of differentiated instruction to help ALL students. By Colleen Freyvogel & Lauren Meuschke Director of Student Support Services.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Taking “different” out of differentiated instruction to help ALL students. By Colleen Freyvogel & Lauren Meuschke Director of Student Support Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Taking “different” out of differentiated instruction to help ALL students. By Colleen Freyvogel & Lauren Meuschke Director of Student Support Services Creative Minds International Public Charter School KSRA 2013

2 + Goals for our session Create a definition of differentiated instruction Planning for differentiation Understand authentic assessment as part of the differentiated instruction process Flexible Grouping/Meaningful Learning

3 + Quick Write Take TWO minutes to write: Everything you already know about DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION What you WANT TO KNOW about Differentiated Instruction

4 + Dif-fer-ent (adjective) : not the same kind: partly or totally unlike : not the same : not ordinary or common

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7 + Our working definition of DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION

8 + What Differentiated Instruction is… A way …. of thinking for teaching and learning to respond to a variety of learning needs

9 + What Differentiated Instruction is not… Individualized Instruction PER SE Unorganized The only way to teach

10 + GROUP ACTIVITY Come up with three reasons for differentiating instruction

11 + Differentiating Content

12 + Differentiating the Process How are students accessing information What do they do? Visual Verbal Independent Assignments Group Assignments

13 + Differentiation AND 21 st Century Learning

14 + Pennsylvania packed A LOT of information in grade level standards….

15 + Where do we start?

16 + It is our job to unpack the standards…

17 + Quick Write What does this look like for literacy?

18 + Diagnostic assessments

19 + Using backwards design

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23 + When can we assess the reading skills of our students? During literacy During play During transitions During morning meeting/closing circle During enters/Choice time During recess

24 + Handwriting Center

25 + Reading Center

26 + Listening Center

27 + Dramatic Play Center

28 Class Realouds

29 + Independent Reading

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33 Integrating Literacy Across All Subjects

34 + Quick Write How have your thoughts on differentiated instruction changed thus far?

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37 + TEACHER NOTES: KC reads "No David" to his peer DS. Nadia- ”K, this book is one of D’s favorites. Try reading louder so that Dwayne can hear you." KC reads louder. D looks at pages while K reads. When done reading, both children transitioned to their Handwriting assignments without verbal reminding. Smooth transitions :)

38 + Students were encouraged to ask each other questions and record answers to get to know one another better. DJ, without being prompted, asked KC a question. KC, without being prompted answered DJ and even reread the question to her. Social Emotional- -demonstrates ability to interact with peer without adult facilitation.

39 + KC is playing "Guess What I Am" with two peers and a teacher. He asks questions and answers the questions of his peers as they all look for clues as to which character they might be wearing around their faces. He demonstrates the ability to take turns and follow the rules of the game, with very little facilitation. He laughed and giggled during the game. :)

40 + What is your system?

41 + Checklists

42 + Analyzing work samples

43 + Literacy in Mathematics DS was encouraged to identify whether he was looking for the SUM (S) or the DIFFERENCE (D). Student then created short sentences to define SUM and DIFFERENCE in his journal!

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45 + Questions and Comments

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