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Welcome to Jeopardy! Hosted By: Mrs. Randall Make up of a Plant 100 400 300 200 5a100 5d 3005c 5b Photosynthesis The wonders of plants Roots 100 200.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Jeopardy! Hosted By: Mrs. Randall Make up of a Plant 100 400 300 200 5a100 5d 3005c 5b Photosynthesis The wonders of plants Roots 100 200."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to Jeopardy! Hosted By: Mrs. Randall

3 Make up of a Plant 100 400 300 200 5a100 5d 3005c 5b Photosynthesis The wonders of plants Roots 100 200 300 400 300 200 Parts of a Plant

4 What do all plants have?

5 Cells Home

6 What are the three things plants need to live?

7 Sunlight, Water, Carbon Dioxide Home

8 How is a pine needle like a tulip leaf?

9 They are both kinds of leaves Home

10 Which of these plants grows from spores, not leaves? A.Carrot B.Fern C.Pine Tree D.Tumbleweed

11 B. Fern Home

12 What are two things that stems do for plants?

13 Carry the materials and support the plant Home

14 Why does a daisy have a flexible stem instead of a woody stem?

15 Daisies do not need the support of a wooden stem Home

16 What does the stamen do for a plant?

17 It makes the pollen Home

18 Describe what a spore is.

19 A single tiny cell Home

20 Why does nectar help flowers become pollinated?

21 Animals looking for nectar, spread pollen Home

22 How are sunlight and plant reproduction linked?

23 Plants turn sunlight into energy for reproduction Home

24 Which of these is part of how a plant grows with seeds? A.Bulbs turn green and begin making their own food B.Fruit seperates from the parent plant C.A root cutting grows in water D.Roots from runners take root

25 B. Fruit separates from the parent plant. Home

26 How could you grow apples without starting from apple seeds?

27 Connecting (grafting) branches to another tree Home

28 What is a taproot?

29 A large root that grows straight down, that absorbs water and nutrients Home

30 What are fibrous roots?

31 Many small roots that grow in different directions, that absorb water and nutrients. Home

32 What kind of root is a carrot?

33 Taproot Home

34 How are taproots and fibrous roots different and alike? (One example of each)

35 Both taproots and fibrous roots anchor the plant to the ground. They are different because fibrous roots spread out in many directions and taproots only have one large main root that grows straight down. Home

36 What is photosynthesis?

37 The process by which a plant uses sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to create food (sugar) Home

38 What happens to the carbon dioxide a plant uses during photosynthesis?

39 Plants turn the carbon dioxide they use during photosynthesis into oxygen. Home

40 What do plants create through the process of photosynthesis?

41 Sugar Home

42 Describe the process of photosynthesis

43 Plants take carbon dioxide, water and sunlight energy, and turn those things into sugar. Home

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