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Barret’s Chapel School

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1 Welcome Parents! Barret’s Chapel Middle School Wildcat Academy 2015-2016 Orientation Night

2 Barret’s Chapel School

3 7th and 8th Grade Teachers
Mrs. Barker, Spanish Mrs. Chenette, Math/Science Ms. Coppedge, Co-Teacher for Math & English Mrs. Erickson, Science & Physical Science Mrs. Martin, Math & Algebra Mrs. Stafford, Social Studies Mr. Uhrman, CLUE Mr. Westervelt, English

4 Website

5 Ms. Scott-Robinson 7/8 Administrator

Contact Information Tutoring Hours: tutoring times Tues/Thur 7:30-8:10 am Phone Number: Planning time: 8:25-9:10

7 Mrs. Stafford 7/8 Social Studies
Materials: Composition Folder Glue/Tape Pen/Pencil Highlighter Colored pencils Notebook Paper Each assignment is worth 100 points and will be weighed according to each category. Quizzes: 20% Classwork: 15% Projects: 10% Tests: 35% Writing: 15% Homework: 5% Mrs. Stafford 7/8 Social Studies Student Council Sponsor Co-sponsor for cheer

8 Mrs. Martin 7th AP, 8th, and Algebra
NJHS Sponsor Available to schedule conferences: 9:25 – 10:00 and after 3:45, except for Wednesday afternoons Remind101—Text the following message to 81010 7th

9 Señora Barker Spanish I Honors, Exploratory Spanish, 8th Grade Intervention Please ask your students what they learned during the week Mucho gusto y gracias por tu tiempo

10 Mr. Westervelt 7th/8th Grade English Language Arts Teacher.
Middle School football coach.

11 Mr. Uhrman Middle School CLUE Assistant Football Coach Email:
Website: 1994 8th Grade Spelling Bee Champ

12 Ms. Chenette
Classroom Goals: These are the goals I have for you as a well-rounded person on the community and future of Memphis. 100% of students will earn an A or B in their Mathematics course by year-end. 100% of students will score “Proficient” or “Mastery” on the state mandated testing 100% of students will contribute to creating a positive learning culture of achievement in the classroom with fellow students 100% of students will develop academic and behavioral skills necessary to succeed at the High School level and beyond. Ms. Chenette Book for Math: Holt McDougal Tennessee Course 2 Book for Science: Holt McDougal Tennessee

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