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Project #3 Mrs. HoltKK-04. 951 ninefiveone It tells the time on the sign.

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1 Project #3 Mrs. HoltKK-04

2 951 ninefiveone It tells the time on the sign.

3 379 three seventy-nine This is a place to get gas. The numbers say how much gas costs.

4 323 Three twenty-three This is another gas station. We get gas for the car at a gas station. You can choose what kind you want. The sign tells you how much.

5 329 three twenty-nine Signs have numbers on them. Sometimes they only have letters. I like the ones with numbers.

6 5080 five thousand eighty Numbers can tell your address. An address tells you how to get to the right store.

7 59 fifty-nine This sign tells the time and the temperature.

8 24 twenty-four This store is open 24 hours. That means it is open all day and all night.

9 My Reflection I learned that there are lots of numbers all around town. I like to do things with my daddy, mommy, and brother. It is fun to find numbers. There are lots of numbers at my house, too. I am going to look for numbers everywhere I go.

10 Statement of Purpose I CHOSE CCSS STANDARD: CC.K.NBT.1 Work with numbers 11+ to gain foundations for place value. Understand that these numbers are composed of tens and ones. Domain: NBT: Number Operations in Base Ten: Relating numbers to our world. AND ASKED MY STUDENT(S) TO CREATIVELY DEMONSTRATE THEIR UNDERSTANDING BY creating a PowerPoint or book about their math adventures with Corduroy. TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: What numbers can Corduroy find in our world?

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