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A future free from fossil fuels? 1 A Christian Aid secondary assembly.

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Presentation on theme: "A future free from fossil fuels? 1 A Christian Aid secondary assembly."— Presentation transcript:

1 A future free from fossil fuels? 1 A Christian Aid secondary assembly

2 Which of these are fossils? 2

3 For the past 100 years, humans have burned fossil fuels. 3

4 Climate change is changing weather patterns. 4

5 5 But new, cleaner technologies are being developed.

6 Lots of people are asking the government to stop fossil fuels. 6

7 7 Different periods of history…

8 8 …are famous for different things.

9 Will our own age be famous for its technology? 9

10 10 Or the changing climate?

11 11 Image credits: slides 1-6: Wikimedia Commons (see slide notes for full credits); slide 4: Christian Aid/Hannah Richards; slide 8: Christian Aid/G M B Akash/Panos Pictures; slide 9: John Philips/Getty Images, for Climate Coalition

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