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1.Hematology 2. Gastroenterology 3. Electrocardiogram.

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2 1.Hematology 2. Gastroenterology 3. Electrocardiogram

3 1. Hematology Hemat (R)= blood O (V) logy (S)= study of Study of blood 2. Gastroenterology gastr (R1)= stomach O (V) enter (R2)= intestines O (V) Logy (S)= study Study of stomach and intestine 3. Electrocardiogram electr (R1)= electricity O (V) cardi (R2)=heart O (V) Gram (S)= record Record of the electricity in the heart

4 4. subgastric 5.Cardiac 6.Transgastric

5 4. subgastric Sub (P)= under gastr (R)=stomach ic (S)= pertaining Pertaining to under the stomach 5.Cardiac cardi (R)= heart ac (S)= pertaining to Pertaining to heart 6.Transgastric Trans (P)=across gastr (R)= stomach ic (S)= pertaining to Pertaining to across the stomach

6 7. Retrogastric 8. Adenoma 9. Arthritis

7 7. Retrogastric Retro (P)= behind gastr (R)= stomach ic (s)= pertaining to Pertaining to behind the stomach 8. Adenoma aden (R)= gland oma( S)= tumor Tumor of gland 9. Arthritis arthr (R)= joint itit (S)= inflammation Inflammation of joint

8 10. Biology 11. Cephalic 12. Cerebral

9 10. Biology bio (R)= life logy (S)=study Study of life 11. Cephalic cephal (R)= Head ic (S)= pertaining to Pertaining to head 12. Cerebral cerebr (R)= large part of brain al (S)= pertaining to Pertaining to large part of brain

10 13. Cystoscope 14. Cytology 15. Dermatitis

11 13. cystoscope cyst (R)= urinary bladder O (V) scope (S)= instrument to visually examine Instrument to visually examine of urinary bladder 14. Cytology cyt (R)= cell O(V) logy (S)=study Study of cell 15. Dermatitis dermat (R)= skin itis (S)= inflammation Inflammation of skin

12 16. Entritis 17. Gastroscopy 18. Gynecology

13 16. Entritis entr(R)= intestines itis (S)= inflammation Inflammation of intestine 17. Gastroscopy gastr (R)= stomach O (V) scopy (S)= process to viewing Process to viewing the stomach 18. Gynecology gynec (R)= woman disease O (V) logy(S)= study Study of woman disease

14 19. Hematoma 20. Hepatitis 21. Laprotomy

15 19. Hematoma hemat (R)= blood oma (S) =tumor Tumor of blood 20. Hepatitis hepat (R)= liver itis (S)= inflammation Inflammation of liver 21. Laprotomy lapr (R)= abdomen O (V) tomy (S)= cut into Cut into abdomen

16 22. Nephrectomy 23. Neurology 24. Oncologist

17 22. Nephrectomy Nephr (R)= kidney ectomy (S)= remove Remove of kidney 23. Neurology neur (R)= nerve O(V) logy (S)= study Study of nerve 24. Oncologist onc (R)= tumor O(V) logist( S)= specialist study Specialist study of tumor

18 25. Ophthalmoscope 26. Psychosis 27. Rhinitis

19 25. Ophthalmoscope Ophthalm (R)= eyes O(V) scope (S)= instrument to visually examine instrument to visually examine eyes 26. Psychosis psych(R)= mind O(V) sis (S)= abnormal condition Abnormal condition of mind 27. Rhinitis rhin(R)= nose itis(S)=inflammation Inflammation of nose

20 28. Thrombocyte 29. Arthralagia 30. Hyperthyroidisim

21 28. Thrombocyte Thrmb(R)= clothing O(V) cyte (S)= cell Cell for clothing 29. Arthralagia artha (R)= joint alagia (S)= pain in Pain in joint 30. Hyperthyroidisim hyper(P)= excessive thyroid (r)= thyroid gland isim(S)= condition Condition of excessive oh thyroid gland

22 31. Dermatosis 32. Hypodermic 33. Cardiology

23 31. Dermatosis dermat(R)= skin O(V) sis (S)=abnormal condition Abnormal condition of skin 32. Hypodermic hypo(P)= below derm(R)=skin ic(S)= pertaining to Pertaining to below skin 33. Cardiology cardi(R)= heart O(V) logy(S)= study Study of heart

24 34. Pericarditist 35. Neuroplasty 36. Leukocyte

25 34. Pericarditis peri (P)=around cardi(R)= heart itis(S)= inflammation Inflammation around the heart 35. Neuroplasty neuro(R)= nerve plasty(S)= surgical repair Surgical repair of nerve 36. Leukocyte leuk(P)= white O (V) cyte(R)= cell White cell

26 Gastroduodenoscopy Microscope Microsurgery Micrometer

27 Hydrophobia Hydrocephalus Hydrotherapy

28 Hydr /o + phobia Word root combining vowel word root Fear of water Hydr /o + cephalus cephalus Word root combining vowel word root water on the brain Hydr/ o + therapy Word root combining vowel word root Water treatment

29 Anemia Anemic Leukocytopenia

30 A nem ia Reduce Pr. Word root + Suffix = Noun Condition of Reduced blood A nem -ic Reduce Pr. Word root + Suffix = Adjective Pertaining to reduce blood Leuk o cyto penia Root C.V. Root Suffix Decrease of White cell

31 Acroparalysis Acrocyanosis Acrodermatitis

32 Acr /o /para/ lysis: Word root C.V. word root suffix Loosen of extremities Paralysis Acr /o /cyan /osis: Word root C.V. word root suffix Abnormal Condition of extremities blue Acr /o /dermat /itis: Word root C.V. word root suffix Inflammation of extremities skin

33 Hematoma Hypoinsulinemia Osteoarthritis

34 Hemat oma Word root suffix tumor in blood Hypo / insulin / emia Prefix root suffix blood Low in insulin Oste / o / arthr / itis Word root C.V. word root suffix inflammation of bone and joints.

35 Practice… Singular: Sarcoma Diagnosis Phalanx Coccus

36 Practice… Singular: Sarcoma Diagnosis Phalanx Coccus Plural: Sarcomata Diagnoses Phalanges Cocci

37 PRACTICE… Singular: Calcaneum Vertex Cervix thorax

38 Singular Plural Calcanea Vertices Cervices thoraces Calcaneum Vertex Cervix thorax

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