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GED Express DAY 1. Introduction to Course  Materials for Course  Calculator  Dry erase board and marker  Math practice folder  Sign-in sheet  Correct.

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Presentation on theme: "GED Express DAY 1. Introduction to Course  Materials for Course  Calculator  Dry erase board and marker  Math practice folder  Sign-in sheet  Correct."— Presentation transcript:

1 GED Express DAY 1

2 Introduction to Course  Materials for Course  Calculator  Dry erase board and marker  Math practice folder  Sign-in sheet  Correct name spelling  Syllabus

3 Syllabus  Review Syllabus  What is it?  How do you use it?  Why is it important?

4 Discovery Education™  DE  Link:  What is it?  Why should I use it?  Will it really help me?  How do I log on?

5 Wikispaces  Wiki’s purpose in education  Provide one location for website links about a topic  Maintain documents used in class  Support academic goals  Link:  I must have your email address to send you the specific link to log on.

6 GED 2014 (4 different tests)  Mathematics Reasoning  What is the definition reasoning?  Reasoning through Language Arts (RLA)  Incorporates both Reading and Writing skills  Commonly referred to as Literacy skills  Essay is evidence-based, not opinion based.  Evidence based requires connecting writing to a reading selection  Science & Social Studies (2 separate tests)  In-depth knowledge of both disciplines  Use standards on Wiki as a guideline for exploration and distance learning

7 GED 2014 (Scoring)  In Kentucky, a passing GED score is 150.  149 is not passing  Must pass the Ready Test in each subject prior  All 4 tests are administered on the computer  The essay will be typed and scored by a computer & human  Test scores are typically available the same day.  Each test costs $30, so $120 for all four tests  GED transcript

8 Math Vocabulary  Reasoning  Using numbers and relationships to determine patterns, predict, & estimate  Requires strong vocabulary skills  Vocab in GED Folder = understood  Foldable Activity

9 Math Foldable Activity  In GED Folder:  Math Tips & Terms  Algebra Vocabulary  Geometry Vocabulary

10 Social Studies  What is the meaning of social studies?  Division of content  Refer to the standards  WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY  Famous people, causes, results, impact today?

11 Science  What does science mean?  Division of content  Refer to the standards  How does the information connect in today’s world?

12 Distance Learning  Set up email account and email instructor  Sign into Discovery Education™  After receiving link, sign into Wikispaces  Review math vocabulary  Review decimals, fractions, and percents

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