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Do-Now 11/9/15 Get out a notebook...we’re taking notes today!

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1 Do-Now 11/9/15 Get out a notebook...we’re taking notes today!
Title them - Pre-Colonial/Colonial South Africa Set them up Cornel Style Then do a free-write - What do you know about South Africa and/or Apartheid?

2 Pre Colonial & Colonial South Africa

3 The First South Africans
San & Khoi Khoi = Khoisan hunter-gatherers, pastoralists Bantu Agriculture Fluid Tribal groupings ex. Zulu & Xhosa Khoisan hunter gatherers and pastoralists relied on cattle, sheep, and goats and vast grazing lands. 200s C.E. different groups under the “Bantu” umbrella entered from the east coast into the south. Introduced agriculture - by 1500s occupied nearly all the eastern half of SA Several tribal groupings like Zulu and Xhosa. Ethnically and Socially complex Tribal groupings were fluid (you could change groupings based on marriage or changing allegiance to chieftans). Later - the Europeans would label every SA as part of a particular tribal group.

4 Arrival of Europeans Cape of Good Hope 1487
Jan van Riebeeck 4/6/ Dutch East India Co. Afrikaner (Afrikaans) = Boer = Dutch Portuguese made their way around the Cape of Good hope in increasing commerce between Europe and Asia. Jan van Riebeeck established first permanent European settlement - were reinforced by French, German and other European protestants Afrikaans - Dutch based language that developed among the S.A. europeans. Other terms used to refer to them were Boer and simply Dutch

5 Dutch Establish Territory
Restricted contact to avoid conflict Economic constraints → Giving employees Khoisan land → Conflict → Decline in Khoisan Population Began Slavery Coloured Population At first - ordered only to barter w/ Khoisan for cattle, fruits & vegetables to avoid the cost of conflicts 4 years later, they had to cut costs by laying off many of the Europeans, but they were granted 28 acres apiece for farming...problem was that land belonged to the Khoisan, which led to conflicts between the two groups. Khoisan agreed to work as free-laborers for the dutch, others enjoyed good trade, others moved away. Europeans brought disease & disrupted the Khoisan economy → decline in Khoisan population. Some whites began to use slave labor from Madagascar, east Africa, west Africa, India and SE Asia. Many whites, slaves & Khoisan intermarried = mixed-race coloured population Slavery became economically necessary and natural to whites.

6 The Trekboer Expansion
Boer farmers expanding further into Khoisan and Bantu territory Lacked government, communication → rugged, independent lifestyle More conflict with Bantu people, esp. Xhosa Fended off Boers until the British Army helped Xhosa eventually reduced to poverty Boer farmers, called trekboers began expanding to the rest of SA Trekboers lacked a central government and communication with the rest of Europe, led to an independent spirit. More conflict with the Bantu peoples because they were better organized and better able to hold of the Boers. Boers only reached east Africa after 1811 when the british troops helped them. British burned Xhosa homesteads and grazing lands → reduced Xhosa to poverty

7 Pause Write some annotations, observations, questions in the left column of your notes. What connections can you make between this and early American History? Have them try it - then I will model my own thinking when I annotate.

8 British Take Over 1806 - take control of Cape Colony
English arrive to colonize Difference between English and Afrikaners Boundaries of colony expand Developed political system based on class, not race Abolished Slavery in 1834 Afrikaners resented this and began Great Trek Republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State the British took control of the Cape Colony b/c the Dutch East India Co. was bankrupt. 1820 the English arrived and began to colonize in addition to the Afrikaners. The English did not adopt the Afrikaans language or way of life, so there is a distinction among the white races in SA. The increase of Europeans caused the boundaries of the colony to continue to expand. The British abolished slavery, land became more expensive, and their political system was based on class, not race, meaning that some poorer Afrikaners could not participate in the government. The Afrikaners resented these changes and began the Great Trek north to create the independent republics of Transvaal and Orange Free State.

9 Mfecane Upheaval among the Bantu 1810s - 1830s
Scarce resources, increased populations, and drought Groups driven off, expanded, or consolidated Resulted in several large African kingdoms

10 Battle of Blood River Afrikaners v. Zulu Dec. 16, 1838
Afrikaners prayed for victory & won Symbol of God’s favor and their superiority Turn and Talk Great Trek - some Afrikaners saw this as fulfilling the will of God similar to the Israelites leaving Egypt. Fought the Africans for their land. Battle between Afrikaners and Zulu Dec. 16, symbol of the movement b/c mythologized by Afrikaners. Claimed trekboers prayed to God for victory in exchange they would build a church to worship God and commemorate the day - Won the victory Claim God favored them and supported their opinion that they were above everyone else. Turn to your neighbor - Many different people of many different religions claim that God - or gods - is on their side → What are some other examples of this and what are the consequences for the losers?

11 Asians in South Africa British Landowners needed workers
Turned to Indian colony , 6,000 Indians came to Natal colony as indentured servants British landowners had a shortage of workers for their sugar plantations in the Natal Colony (more british than dutch) Brought workers from their colony in India ,000 Indians arrived in Natal as indentured servants Eventually Indians (called Asians in SA) became an influential group in SA

12 The Mineral Revolution
Afrikaners discover Diamond deposits British expand empire in-land Millions of Africans work in the mines → conditions decline Many changes for SA: rural → urban Class based → race based Worsened relationship between Afrikaners & British Afrikaner prospectors discover diamond deposits. More found in Kimberley in 1871 and gold found in the 1880s prompted british to exampd their empire inland by violently conquering Africans Many African men went to work in the mines - over time these workers were paid less, they were taxed to force them to work in the mines, mine owners housed the workers so they could be controlled. Migrant labor developed as men went to work in the mines, leaving families behind for eleven months a year. SA evolved from a rural, agricultural state to an urban industrial nations w/ the riches gold and diamond mining areas in the world. Johannesburg, surrounded by gold mines, became the largest city in sub-saharan Africa. Shifted british government to a system based on racial segregation Worsened relationship between Afrikaners and British.

13 South African War of 1895 British demand political reform to increase control 4 years later - Afrikaners launch attacks and war begins Course - scorched earth policies and concentration camps Consequences: Increased Afrikaner nationalism Black South Africans fight - but don’t get desired results British colonies & Afrikaner republics join to form Union of South Africa 1895 British demanded political reform in Afrikaner republic of Transvaal to weaken economic control of Afrikaners and favor the British Attempted a coup of the Afrikaner leadership. W/in 4 years, Afrikaners launched attacks against british and war began. British 500,000, Afrikaners 40,000. British had scorched earth policy, rounded up Afrikaner women and children and placed them in camps - 28,000 died of disease. Afrikaners lost - but nationalism increased. Blacks fought on both sides, suffered from the scorched earth policy, thousands were placed in camps. Many supported British in hopes of gaining more rights - but this did not happen - they felt betrayed. 1910 British colonies & Afrikaner republics joined as Union of South Africa. Self-governance but part of British empire. All white males could vote, but only some Africans had limited voting rights

14 Annotate & Summarize In annotations - further questions - more connections/similarities between this story and American History - comments/surprises Summarize the main points

15 Exit Ticket Make a prediction - based on what you know about past history - predict what might happen next. Will the British & Afrikaners get along? Will black South Africans gain any rights? etc...

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