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Lexical Acquisition of Verb Direct- Object Selectional Preferences Based on the WordNet Hierarchy Emily Shen and Sushant Prakash.

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Presentation on theme: "Lexical Acquisition of Verb Direct- Object Selectional Preferences Based on the WordNet Hierarchy Emily Shen and Sushant Prakash."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lexical Acquisition of Verb Direct- Object Selectional Preferences Based on the WordNet Hierarchy Emily Shen and Sushant Prakash

2 Selectional Preferences: V-DO Eat a carrot Drive a truck Eat a truck Drive a carrot Find general classes that a verb takes as arguments Useful for word sense disambiguation, choosing among parses, capturing some essence of semantics, etc.

3 Strategy P(v,c) = (1/N)  n  words(c) (1/|classes(n)|) C(v,n) S(v) = D(P(C|v)||P(C)) =  c P(c|v)log[P(c|v)/P(c)] A(v,c) = P(c|v)log[P(c|v)/P(c)] / S(v) A(v,n) = max c  classes(n) A(v,c) But this assumes flat set of classes – we wanted to exploit the hierarchy: Propagate probability counts to hypernyms. P mod (v,c) = P orig (v,c)+  c_kdes P orig (v,c kdes )

4 This may seem a little screwy… No discount factor for each step up No splitting the count for branches

5 Results Most selective verbs discipline, sigh, slice, shoot down, elongate Least selective verbs make, have, see, get, include Top noun classes plant – plant, explosive device transplant – kidney, internal organ, body part Tested WSD on WSJ and BLLIP. Random baseline: 26.39% P, 100% R, 41.76% F1 Flat WSJ: 28.39% P, 71.67% R, 40.67% F1 Hyper WSJ: 51.44% P, 65.21% R, 57.51% F1

6 Future Work Feed disambiguated nouns into model for training Model class to class relationships Also take into account subject

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