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Nuclear power. Contents What is nuclear power? What is nuclear power? How is it generated? How is it generated? Who invented nuclear power? Who invented.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear power. Contents What is nuclear power? What is nuclear power? How is it generated? How is it generated? Who invented nuclear power? Who invented."— Presentation transcript:

1 nuclear power

2 Contents What is nuclear power? What is nuclear power? How is it generated? How is it generated? Who invented nuclear power? Who invented nuclear power? Is nuclear power help the environment? Is nuclear power help the environment? What is Nuclear Energy? What is Nuclear Energy?Quiz Answer page1 answer page2 Answer page1 answer page2

3 What is nuclear power? Nuclear power is the world's largest source of free energy. The nuclear power industry generates approximately 2,000 tons of solid waste every year in the United States.. contents

4 How is nuclear power generated Nuclear power is generated using uranium (a chemical element) mined in various parts of the world. Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plants for engines. contents

5 Who invented nuclear power? Nuclear power was invented in 1942 by Ricardo Husada. His team created the nuclear chain reaction and the nuclear reactor was born. In 1954 Russia built the first nuclear power. contents

6 Does nuclear power help the environment? No Nuclear power can harm aquatic life, harm humans with enough radiation to destroy drinking water, and harm the air. contents

7 What is Nuclear Energy? What is Nuclear Energy? Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needs, and produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel, without the pollution that you'd get from burning fossil fuels. Nuclear energy originates from the splitting of uranium atoms in a process called fission. contents contentscontents

8 quiz What is nuclear power? What is nuclear power? How is it generated? How is it generated? Who invented nuclear power? Who invented nuclear power? Does nuclear power help the environment? nuclear power help the environment?nuclear power help the environment? What is Nuclear Energy? What is Nuclear Energy?

9 answers 1.What is nuclear power? What is nuclear power?What is nuclear power? Nuclear power is the world's largest source of free energy. 2. How is it generated? 2. How is it generated? Nuclear power is generated using uranium (a chemical element) mined in parts of the world.How is it generated?How is it generated? 3. How is it generated? 3. How is it generated?How is it generated?How is it generated? Nuclear power was invented in 1942 by Ricardo Husada. contents contents

10 Answer page 4. Does nuclear power help the environment? nuclear power help the environment?nuclear power help the environment? No Nuclear power can harm aquatic life, harm humans with enough radiation to destroy drinking water, and harm the air. No Nuclear power can harm aquatic life, harm humans with enough radiation to destroy drinking water, and harm the air. 5. What is Nuclear Energy? What is Nuclear Energy?What is Nuclear Energy? Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needs, and produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel, without the pollution that you'd get from burning fossil fuels contents

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