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0 Pre Trip – Link to an Expense Report. 1 Pre Trip – Link to Expense Report When creating a New Expense Report that includes an airline ticket, click.

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Presentation on theme: "0 Pre Trip – Link to an Expense Report. 1 Pre Trip – Link to Expense Report When creating a New Expense Report that includes an airline ticket, click."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 Pre Trip – Link to an Expense Report

2 1 Pre Trip – Link to Expense Report When creating a New Expense Report that includes an airline ticket, click the ‘Select Pre Trip report’ button under the ‘Report Name’ field and select the Pre Trip that has been approved for the airline ticket you are expensing.

3 2 Pre Trip – Link to Expense Report Select from your approved Pre Trip report list the report that is associated with the airline ticket you need to expense.

4 3 Pre Trip – Link to Expense Report Build your report as you normally would, and be sure to apply the airline ticket that is associated with the selected Pre Trip report.

5 4 Pre Trip – Link to Expense Report When you click the Save & Submit icon, the Pre Trip Review screen will display. It will show your estimated cost of the ticket versus the actual cost.

6 5 Pre Trip – Link to Expense Report If there is a significant difference in the estimated cost of the airline ticket and the actual cost, click on the Comment icon and give an explanation.

7 6 Pre Trip – Link to Expense Report Simply continue with the expense report submission process – attaching the required receipts, etc.

8 7 Pre Trip – Link to Expense Report To confirm that the approved Pre Trip is linked to the expense report, click the Report Information icon.

9 8 Pre Trip – Link to Expense Report  Notes: –Linking an approved Pre Trip report to your expense report indicates to the Internal Auditors that the trip was approved by your Supervisor and an EC member, if required. –When creating a New Expense Report that includes an airline ticket, click the ‘Select Pre Trip report’ button under the ‘Report Name’ field and select the Pre Trip that has been approved for the airline ticket you are expensing. –You can only link a Pre Trip report once – in all cases the Pre Trip report should be linked to the report that includes the airline ticket. –If the variance of the estimated airline ticket expense versus the actual expense is high, make sure you add a comment to the report explaining why. –The Pre Trip report will stay in your Completed folder until after your Approver has approved the expense report to which the Pre Trip has been attached.

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