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Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 Emily L. Chang - Software Agents Group - MLE January 2001.

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1 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 Emily L. Chang - Software Agents Group - MLE January 2001

2 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 Overview What is a hanging message? –a message which is delivered to a recipient at a specific place and time –envision the message as “hanging” in a certain location, waiting for the recipient How is this useful? –enables Just-In-Time Communication –messages are context enhanced for better filtering

3 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 Motivation Current messaging systems –only recipient(s) are specified, no context Many messages are context-driven –appropriate during a certain time period –most useful delivered to certain location More context helps prevent information overload –sender’s judgment is incorporated –recipient’s agent can also use additional context

4 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 How Is It Useful? Requests to friends/colleagues –“Can you pick up a book at the library…” Informative notices –construction information –crime bulletins Personal reminders –“Don’t forget to drop off registration forms…” Promotion distribution

5 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 How Does It Work? a message is sent, specifying location and time period the message is not delivered the server receives and stores the message the recipient never goes to that location the recipient is at the right place during the right time the message is filtered out by user’s agent depending on the user’s profile... the message is delivered to the user’s screen - OR -

6 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 What Does It Look Like? a typical inbox an incoming message composing a new message

7 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 Research Focus: Agent Filtering Filtering mechanisms –message categories –active and passive messages –user profiles –known sender list –multiple modes with separate profiles Goal: no user should be bothered by unwanted or unsolicited messages

8 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 Message Categories Every message belongs to a category Senders can select a category when sending a message The recipient’s agent can override the sender’s choice of category Filtering can be done by category

9 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 User Profiles and Modes Filters match message attributes against user profiles A message can be filtered into one of three types: active, passive, ignored –Messages from unknown senders become passive Users have multiple modes with separate profiles –Preferences tend to vary by “operational mode” –User can change current mode, add/edit modes

10 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 Future Work Learned user profiles Location translation and location learning Simulated user locations –querying for messages at other locations Multiple client interface platforms

11 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 For More Information... Emily L Chang Software Agents Group Hanging Messages

12 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001

13 Related Work Find-the-nearest” commercial services Employee monitoring (Active Badge) Wearable computing (Memory Glasses) Location based messaging –comMotion : includes speech interface –GeoNotes : filters based on usage

14 Hanging Messages - MLE January 2001 What Technology Does It Use? Message server –Java program (JDK 1.3.0) on RedHat Linux 7.0 User client –Casio Cassiopeia e-125 running Pocket PC –PocketSpider CF+ CDPD wireless modem (on order) –GPS module linked through serial port –software developed with eMbedded Visual C++

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