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 BAAP Corporation of Professional Usability Testing specializes in creating and conducting usability tests and has created this report in response to.

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Presentation on theme: " BAAP Corporation of Professional Usability Testing specializes in creating and conducting usability tests and has created this report in response to."— Presentation transcript:


2  BAAP Corporation of Professional Usability Testing specializes in creating and conducting usability tests and has created this report in response to your request regarding your website

3  To improve usability by › Ease and Effectiveness of Navigation › Organization of the website › Placement of Important  Increase website traffic  Increase profitability

4  The process of learning about users from users by observing them using a product to accomplish specific goals of interest to them.

5  Things shouldn't be that hard to learn to use.  Time wasted trying to learn to use products means lost time for consumers and lost sales for companies.  If dissatisfied with the usability of a product, consumers are less likely to be a returning customer.

6  Waiver  Entrance Questions  Task Based Questions  Exit Questions



9  Subject 1 – 20 year old Female  Subject 2 – 25 year old Male  Subject 3 – 17 year old Male  Subject 4 – 40 year old Female  Subject 5 – 29 year old Male

10 The following is a list of tasks we had subjects complete on both websites:  Locate and sign up for a subscription  Locate the Table of Contents  Locate the Search Bar  Find your horoscope  Find a healthy recipe  Navigate to the homepage without using the back button  Find the most viewed stories

11  Based on your findings, how was the usability of compared to  How many times during your navigation through did you see a pop up ad or advertisement while scrolling?  Based on your knowledge of the internet and these two websites, do you believe that was easily accessible and easy to navigate?

12 Subject Age/Gender Amount of time needed to find subscriptions Locating Table of contents Locating Search Bar Viewing Horoscope Finding healthy recipe Back to Home Page Most viewed stories #of Ads seen 20 year old female 5 seconds <10 seconds 5 seconds 1 minute 2 minutes 3 min, 10 sec 8 25 year old male 32 seconds 10 seconds 1 min, 32 seconds 21 seconds 40 seconds 2 min, 40 sec 7 17 year old male 20 seconds <10 seconds 7 seconds 1 minute 17 seconds 1 minute 2 min, 30 sec 8 40 year old female 35 seconds <10 seconds 30 seconds 2 min, 12 seconds 45 seconds 1 min, 12 sec. 3 minutes 9 29 year old male 30 seconds<10 seconds 20 seconds 1 min, 15 seconds 1.5 minutes 3 minutes 3 min, 14 sec 9

13 Subject Age/Gender Amount of time needed to find subscriptions Locating Table of contents Locating Search Bar Viewing Horoscope Finding healthy recipe Back to Home Page Most viewed stories #of Ads seen 20 year old female 3 seconds1 second 5 seconds n/a 19 seconds 15 seconds 1 minute 1 25 year old male 15 seconds 2 seconds 4 seconds n/a 23 seconds 25 seconds 48 seconds 0 17 year old male 10 seconds 2 seconds 5 seconds n/a 20 seconds 30 seconds 1 min, 10 sec. 1 40 year old female 11 seconds 2 seconds 5 seconds n/a 30 seconds 10 seconds 1 min, 13 sec. 1 29 year old male 10 seconds3 seconds 4 seconds n/a45 seconds 18 seconds 55 seconds 1


15  The Table of Content is readily available  Search bar  Top stories are on the homepage

16 To compare the two sites:

17 Everything is grouped together by category Organized Table of Content Not as many pop-up ads


19  Labeling Stories with topic Headings  Eliminating the excessive amount of scrolling  Making controls easily accessible  Reducing the amount of advertisement

20  For more information please read our usability report  Questions? Contact us! › Email us at › Call us at the BAAP Corporation of Professional Usability Testing Headquarters (333) 555-5555

21  Barnum, Carol M. Usability Testing Essentials: Ready, Set...Test! Boston: Morgan Kaufmann, 2011. Science Direct. Web. 20 Nov. 2013..  Bevan, Nigel. "UsabilityNet." UsabilityNet. European Union, Jan. 2006. Web. 24 Nov. 2013..  Harvey, Amy. "User Experience: What Is It And Why Should I Care? | Usability Geek." Usability Geek RSS. Justin Mifsud, 2 July 2013. Web. 04 Dec. 2013.  IRM Staff. "Usability Testing." Usability Testing. IRM, 8 Mar. 2012. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.  TeamWeb. "Usability Testing." Usability Testing. University Of Texas, 28 June 2012. Web. 22 Nov. 2013..  United States of America. US Department of Health and Human Services. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. The Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines. U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. Web. 20 Nov. 2013..

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