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Fifty years of innovation and cooperation in satellite meteorology Jérôme Lafeuille World Meteorological Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Fifty years of innovation and cooperation in satellite meteorology Jérôme Lafeuille World Meteorological Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fifty years of innovation and cooperation in satellite meteorology Jérôme Lafeuille World Meteorological Organization

2 2 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology Space-based Global Observing System 19611978 19902009

3 A visionary approach: from science to applications

4 4 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology Crossroads of Science and Engineering Science Radiative transfer Product algorithms Data assimilation Engineering Sensor design and performances

5 5 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology Visionary projects Flat Plate Radiometer: opened 50 years of Earth Radiation measurements for climate monitoring Geostationary imagery: unique vantage point for weather monitoring and nowcasting Education and user tools : McIdas Courtesy of Meteo-France

6 6 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology Satellites in the global meteorological infrastructure Global Observing System Coordinated Satellite Activities Global Data Processing and Forecasting

7 7 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology Courtesy of ECMWF LEO Sounders LEO Imagers Scatterometers GEO imagers Satellite Winds (AMVs) GPS Radio Occultation Major data source for NWP

8 8 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology Data Products QuikSCAT EUMETSAT NOAA

9 9 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology Data Products Applications

10 10 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology Required continuity… Operational continuity with near-real time global coverage data Comprehensive and sustained monitoring of Essential Climate Variables

11 International cooperation

12 12 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology International cooperation & satellite meteorology 1961: Launch of Tiros-2 with FPR on board UN Resol.1721 on cooperation in satellite meteorology 1963: WMO establishes World Weather Watch and the GOS Launch of Tiros-5 with APT 66-73: Launch of scanning camera aboard geostationary ATS-1 Global Atmospheric Research programme (GARP) Coordination of Geostationary satellites: CGMS 1978: First Global GARP Experiment (FGGE) involves 5 GEO First contingency relocation of a satellite (Indian ocean) 79-09: India (79), China (89), Korea (05) joined CGMS Satellite back-up operations in 84, 91, 92, 98, 03 1998: USA & Europe sign Initial Joint Polar System agreement 2006 :Response to GCOS by CGMS & CEOS (virtual constellations) First APT reception from Tiros-5 in Lannion, France, 24 Dec 1962

13 13 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) 37 years 12 satellite operators Geostationary constellation of 10-15 satellites 3 polar-orbiting constellations of 2-3 satellites Other missions (altimetry, GPS RO) in transition from R&D to operations Contingency plan Technical standards Intercalibration Products Training

14 Challenges

15 15 Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology Continuity and improvement of operational constellations Sustained observation of ALL Essential Climate Variables observable from space Transition Research to Operations for priority, mature observaions Generation of QC products Integration : network optimization, composite products, system interoperability Challenges

16 WMO OMM Fifty years of Satellite Meteorology16

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