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Flash Cards How to create flash cards. Physical Property.

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Presentation on theme: "Flash Cards How to create flash cards. Physical Property."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flash Cards How to create flash cards

2 Physical Property

3 Physical characteristic that can be observed or measured without forming a new substance

4 Qualitative Property

5 A property that can be observed using the 5 senses (See, touch, taste, hear, smell) - Cannot be measured using a number

6 Quantitative Property

7 A property that can be measured using a numerical value Ex. Density, boiling point, and melting point are all quantitative properties.

8 States of Matter

9 Solid Liquid Gas

10 Luster

11 Shines by reflecting light Ex. Diamonds are lustrous

12 Malleability

13 Capability of being shaped by hammering or pressing Ex. Substances used to make car frames are malleable

14 Ductility

15 The ability of a substance to be stretched into a wire Ex. Copper is very ductile

16 Mass

17 The weight of an object or substance Measured in grams (g), kilograms (kg), pounds (lbs)

18 Volume

19 The space an object or substance occupies Often measured in mL, L, cm 3

20 Density

21 A measure of the ratio between the mass of a substance and the volume it occupies Ex. The density of water is 1 g/ml

22 Magic Triangle

23 M D V Density= Mass / Volume Volume= Mass / Density Mass= Density x Volume

24 Transparency

25 The ability of light to pass through an object Transparent (see through) Opaque (solid- no light passes) Translucent (some light passes)

26 Viscosity

27 The ability of a liquid to flow freely Ex. Water has high viscosity while syrup and molasses has low viscosity

28 Physical Change

29 A change in a substance that does not involve forming a new substance

30 Chemical Property

31 A description of what a substance does when it reacts to produce a new substance Ex. Flammability, Combustibility, Reactivity

32 Combustibility

33 The ability of a substance to burn quickly and easily Ex. Magnesium is combustible

34 Flammability

35 The ability of a substance to catch fire Ex. Ether alcohol is highly flammable

36 Reactivity

37 The likelihood that a substance will respond/change when exposed to another substance/element Ex. The Alkali Metals are highly reactive

38 5 Signs of a Chemical Change

39 1. Bubbles are produced 2. Colour change indicating new substance 3. Change of odour 4. Light and/or heat is produced 5. Precipitate is formed

40 Atom

41 The smallest unit of measurement for all matter

42 Subatomic Particles

43 -The 3 different parts of an atom -They make up the mass of an atom -Proton, Neutron, Electron

44 Proton

45 -Subatomic particle found in the nucleus -Positive charge -Cannot move

46 Electron

47 -Subatomic particle found on orbit -Negative charge -Moves from atom to atom, causing reactions

48 Neutron

49 -Subatomic particle found in the nucleus - No charge (neutral) -Cannot move

50 Element

51 -A pure substance in its simplest form -Found on the periodic table -Can be identified by unique properties Ex. Boron (B), Carbon (C), Neon (Ne)

52 Molecule

53 A substance made up of 2 or more atoms - Can be molecular element (Ex. O 2 ) -Can be molecular compound (Ex. C 3 H 8

54 Compound

55 A substance made up of 2 or more elements Ex. H2O or water is made of Hydrogen AND Oxygen

56 Atomic Number

57 A number assigned to an element, indicating its position in the periodic table and the number of protons/electrons of element

58 Period

59 Rows in the periodic table

60 Group / Chemical Family

61 -Columns in periodic table -Each element in a chemical family has similar chemical properties Red= Alkali Metals Orange= Alkaline Earth Metals Royal= Halogens Purple= Noble Gasses

62 Metals

63 -Shiny, malleable, conductive substances - Often solids at room temperature -Make up the majority of the periodic table

64 Non-Metals

65 -Dull, brittle substances that are poor conductors of electricity - Often gas at room temperature - Found to the right of the periodic staircase

66 Metalloids

67 -Share some characteristics of metals and some of non- metals - Semiconductors -Found on the periodic staircase

68 Decomposition

69 Breaking down a compound into simpler substances

70 Electrolysis

71 Electricity is used to breakdown a compound

72 Catalyst

73 Substance that speeds up a chemical change without being changed itself Ex. Yeast or potassium iodide is the catalyst in the Elephant Toothpaste experiment

74 Interpret C 3 H 8

75 C 3 H 8 -Compound - Carbon—3 atoms - Hydrogen—8 atoms - 11 total atoms

76 Bohr Rutherford Diagram Ex. Boron (B)

77 5 P+ N

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