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Wimba Session Two Program Evaluation Project

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1 Wimba Session Two Program Evaluation Project

2 Components Pre-Planning Documentation Evaluation Plan
Client Documentation of the Target Program Contract Literature Review Evaluation Plan Evaluation Report

3 Pre-Planning Documentation
Client school, district, county levels Willingness to work with you Documentation of the Target Program Written Proposal or Memorandum that describes the goals and objectives of the program Signed Contract Literature Review At least five peer reviewed articles that supports your arguments for conduct the program evaluation. Can be related to the program’s focus and/or process; or evaluation approach/strategies.

4 Evaluation Plan Components
Introduction Purpose Evaluation Questions Methods ~ Design Methods ~ Instruments Data Analysis References Appendix for Instruments Data Collection Organization Matrix

5 Don’t Forget Approval of the Evaluation Plan is a must before you are allowed to collect data. Need to have at least two sources of data (e.g., survey, observation, interview, focus group, artifacts) Need to collect demographic data.

6 Evaluation Report must have …
In addition to the evaluation plan components, you need to describe in detail the data collection and data analysis strategies used. Clarity of description allows for replication of the program evaluation procedures. Discusses implications to the client’ context and recommends future action.

7 Evaluation Report Components
Evaluation Plan Components + Data collection and Data analysis Discussion of results in response to evaluation questions Implications to the client’s context and Recommendations for action

8 Oral Presentation Online presentation before the faculty (about minutes). More instructions will be provided three weeks prior to the event. Faculty reviewers will recommend pass or redo on content, methodology, data analysis, and/or discussion of findings, implications, and/or recommendations. If redo, students will be given a week and a half to make revisions. Program evaluation faculty will make the final determination for pass or fail.

9 Questions

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