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Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics Economics and Trade Branch Integrated Assessment of Trade- Related Policies and Biological Diversity in.

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Presentation on theme: "Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics Economics and Trade Branch Integrated Assessment of Trade- Related Policies and Biological Diversity in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics Economics and Trade Branch Integrated Assessment of Trade- Related Policies and Biological Diversity in the Agriculture Sector LAUNCH MEETING Geneva, 15 July 2005

2 BACKGROUND AND HISTORY UNEP Governing Council Decision 21/14: Develop capacity to ensure that trade and environmental policies are mutually supportive. UNEP-ETB: CONTRIBUTION TO COP SPECIAL REPORT PAST INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT INITIATIVES Convention on Biological Diversity ARTICLE 14 COP DECISION VI/5 COP 7 SPECIAL REPORT (COP/7/INF/15)

3 OBJECTIVES Overall objective To build capacity in developing countries to assess the environmental, social and economic impact of policies on the agricultural sector with an emphasis on biodiversity Specific objectives To develop an integrated assessment analytical framework; To assess and identify opportunities provided by biodiversity to poverty reduction and income generation; To develop and implement an integrated national response to the outcomes from the assessment; To test the integrated assessment framework; and To inform ACP countries in their negotiation and implementation of the EU-ACP EPAs.

4 Major Activities Year 1: Development of integrated assessment analytical framework and refinement of biodiversity indicators. Year 2-3: Six country–level assessment projects applying framework and indicators. Year 4: Development and implementation of national policy response actions plans

5 Year One Development of an integrated analytical assessment framework and refinement of biodiversity indicators: The framework and indicators will build on existing efforts.

6 Year Two and Three Identification of country-level partners based upon applications received from national institutions and government ministries Tailoring of assessment methodologies to the national level Application of assessment methodologies by national institutions in six African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries

7 Structure of integrated assessment projects Leading ministries Steering Committee National policy research institute - Facilitating project - Performing analytical work - Providing advice to projects - Suggesting methodologies UNEP Team International Advisory Group Stakeholder consultations

8 Year Four Development and implementation an integrated national policy action plan to respond to the outcomes from the integrated assessments Policy recommendations seek to: Enhance any positive effects and mitigate any negative effects to biological diversity identified in the assessment

9 Expected Outcomes Strengthened implementation of the CBD Strengthened capacity for coordination and harmonization of biodiversity, trade and development objectives at the national and international levels Implementation of policies which enhance positive effects and mitigate negative effects to biodiversity from trade-related and other policies impacting the agriculture sector Further refinement and development of agricultural biodiversity assessment methodologies and indicators

10 THANK YOU For additional information, please visit the UNEP-ETB website at:


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