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Biology 2121 Lab Introduction to Histology.

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1 Biology 2121 Lab Introduction to Histology






7 Examples of Epithelial Tissue 1. Simple Squamous Kidney Diffusion and filtration of fluids that go from the blood to the kidney tubules

8 Kidney Tubules Secretion and absorption of fluids in the kidney tubules Fluids, extra water and waste enter the tubules (eventually forms urine) Water and other substances go back into the blood

9 Small Intestine Special ‘absorptive’ cells absorb all types of nutrients (monosaccharides, amino acids, etc.)

10 Trachea Secretion of mucus Goblet cells Ciliated With mucus (removal of particles)

11 Goblet Cells

12 Epidermis of the Skin (#5) Protection Contains tough protein called keratin

13 Sebaceous Glands Produce oil Associated with the hair follicles in the skin

14 Sweat Glands Produces sweat Cools the body

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