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Performance Appraisal I An HRM perspective. Goals zDeveloping a Performance Appraisal system. zPresent diversity of processes. zPutting together a viable.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Appraisal I An HRM perspective. Goals zDeveloping a Performance Appraisal system. zPresent diversity of processes. zPutting together a viable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Appraisal I An HRM perspective

2 Goals zDeveloping a Performance Appraisal system. zPresent diversity of processes. zPutting together a viable process that achieves strategic goals and/or fit

3 Expose to Diversity of forms. Then put it together at the end and compare different ways to do develop a PA system

4 Importance of PA zRelated to Compensation zRetention zTraining zUnions are an important constraint zBuilding organizational competencies and SHRM zLegal issue zCareer development (not in book but more than training).

5 Purposes of Performance Appraisal zMotivation and productivity zStrategic planning and change zLegal issues

6 Motivation zPay for performance (Extrinsic) zThe power of feedback (Desire to do a better job—intrinsic). zForshadow: Supervisors—do you give straight and honest feedback or tend to gloss over minor problems or even significant problems.

7 Strategic issues. zFirst, any change effort needs performance monitoring. zSecond detecting problems (organizational not individual). zThird, linking PA to organizational competencies.

8 Legal issues zIf PA is used for compensation, termination, or promotion and done poorly (low validity and reliability) then open to discrimination. zSee text p 460.

9 Developing a system zNeed to consider purposes of PA zNeed to consider type of fit and culture zNeed to consider what type of performance is most critical in an organization. Different approaches.

10 Deciding what to measure zTraits/values zBehaviors zObjective criteria. zTypes of fit.

11 How does one measure each of these? zTake a job. Meet in teams. Discuss.

12 Important Issues zWhat are the best indicators of job performance. zWhat behaviors are critical for organizational effectiveness, group performance, individual performance. zTradeoffs in general zTypes of fit.

13 Cont. zWho is best able to evaluate job performance z Self, supervisor, electronic, peers subordinates, customers.

14 zWhat is done on your job past job zWhat do you like? zWhat do you not like?

15 How do you know what to use zLegal issues zStrategic and type of fit. zRelevance of measurement

16 Benchmark

17 Making PAs more effective (and legally defensible.

18 Side track zBiases in PA. zLargely Halo/horns effect zLots of bias towards leniency zLots of bias towards recency. zPrejudices (more than sex/race etc).

19 Normal supervisor PA zSaturated with biases and better not done that just the typical check list done by supervisor. zNot reliable zNot valid

20 Efforts to increase effectiveness zAll in the forms and in assessor training.

21 Problems with Leniency zForced distribution zComparative rankings. zNot the best for all situations. But how you address it.

22 Problems with accuracy zSo not get supervisor directly involved.

23 One approach zObjective indicators of performance. zThese are not perfect either. Mortgage Loans. Total loan in collectable stage. What could be some problems.

24 Second approach zCustomer evaluations of treatment. Each customer given a chance to complete. Based on total of all. zMostly suited for service industry and direct customer contact. zGenerally good when appropriate. zWhen could this be a problem?

25 Behavior approaches zTake job analysis. Take performance dimensions. Assess based on those performance dimensions. zWhile valid not necessarily reliable.

26 Behavior Check list zList desirable behaviors. Dichotomous. Usually done. Problems if scale. Open to bias. zSimilar take same behavior. Order them in terms of doing a quality job. zPut into a scale. Hard to do. Takes a Team zBARS

27 Advantages and disadvantages of each zType of fit, strategy, purpose of appraisal are all relevant to determine which to use.

28 Valid and Reliable PA zOutcomes better than processes zmultiple raters better than single rater zSupervisory training

29 Content validity zPA systems based on systematic analysis of strategic competencies. PJ fit, PG, PO fit.

30 Show PA document during orientation

31 In teams zHudson’s we have had a lot of information about the company and the type of work. zCustomer driven company, values diversity. zImage of what it takes to do the job. zSome teaming but not that much.

32 zTeam to work on PJ fit--outcome based zPJ fit behavior based-2 zP-O fit Trait/values Make assumptions zP-G fit behavior

33 Report Back zOverhead zDescribe aspects wish to assess and why. zWrite an abbreviated PA document assessing at least 3 aspects of performance.

34 Summary zLargely looked PA system--what’s important. zStrategic implications zConsequently HR needs to have input into the development forms to reinforce the culture of the organization zHR perspective on PA.

35 Read the article on 360 degree PA zHave a lot of information. zWould 360 degree feedback be good in your organization/last employer zWhy or why not. zIf yes, what would be necessary to put it into place. zNext class Supervisor perspective. Training. z UMENT_HE749 copy it as role model. Bring it to class. UMENT_HE749

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