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Sigmund Freud Identity. Learning Target Explain Freud’s theory of the mind and how it contributes to anxiety.

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Presentation on theme: "Sigmund Freud Identity. Learning Target Explain Freud’s theory of the mind and how it contributes to anxiety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sigmund Freud Identity

2 Learning Target Explain Freud’s theory of the mind and how it contributes to anxiety.

3 Theory of the Mind BODIES OF MIND Id Present at birth Found in the unconscious mind Founded in basic sexual and aggression drives Operates on the pleasure principle Ego Mediator Operates on the reality principle: good and reason Superego Ideals and standards we learn from growing up in society What we should do Too strong=guilt, Too weak=impulsive LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS Conscious Thoughts and feelings we are aware of Preconscious Thoughts and memories we are not currently thinking about But are easily retrieved Unconscious Unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings and memories Things we can’t access Become exposed in dreams, hypnosis, free association, and Freudian slips


5 Defense Mechanisms Conflict between the id and superego causes anxiety Ego utilizes unconscious defense mechanisms to relieve tension Seven Defense Mechanisms 1.Repression 2.Regression 3.Denial 4.Reaction 5.Projection 6.Rationalization 7.Displacement

6 Learning Target Explain the seven Freudian defense mechanisms and be able to identify the characteristics of each in order to apply them to individuals and scenarios.

7 Repression (intermediate) What is it: Unconscious burying of unpleasant information into the unconscious to protect the ego Goal of psychoanalysis is to bring repressed info to the surface Characteristics of repressors: Fewer personal memories High level of arousal to emotional situations Simple and non-specific memories Engage in impulsive/immature behavior

8 Regression (immature) What is it: Retreating to a more comfortable stage Characteristics: Immature Childish Examples?

9 Denial What is it: Refusing to admit that something unpleasant is happening Refusing to recognize the unpleasant emotions associated with the event Examples??

10 Reaction Formation What is it: Expressing the opposite (and usually exaggerated) feeling of the anxiety producing emotion Characteristics Gullible Strong desire to be loved or liked High moral standards Examples??

11 Rationalization What is it: Justifying anxiety producing behavior Similar to Intellectualization What is it: removing the emotion from the situation. KISS: thinking about something in a cold and critical way Characteristics Rational Obsessive Examples??

12 Displacement (intermediate) What is it: Attacking an item that comes to symbolize the cause of anxiety KISS: acting out on something or moving the feelings to a safer target Characteristics Aggressive Examples

13 Projection (Immature) What is it: Putting your feelings on others KISS: Thinking someone has your feelings Examples??

14 Mature Defense Mechanisms: coping strategies Humor Sublimation: channeling impulses into socially acceptable behavior Suppression: consciously trying to stop thinking about something Altruism: civil service that brings personal satisfaction

15 http://psychology.abo personality/ss/defens emech.htm

16 Exit Ticket Based on your information of defense mechanisms, write a two paragraph reflection on your personal defense mechanism assessment. Paragraph One: What results would you expect before you took the assessment. Do you think you had high anxiety: why/why not. What mechanisms do you think you would use to handle anxiety: why? Paragraph Two: Explain the results you obtained: why do you think you scored the way you did—can you rationalize it? Are there any points of confusion or things you disagree with? Why did the results turn out or not turn out as you expected.

17 Do Now Answer the following two questions in your notebook: -What is repression and why do we use it? -When over the course of an individual’s life does the ego, superego, and id emerge?

18 Learning Target Describe the oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stage of psychosexual development and identify individuals “stuck” in each stage.

19 Freud’s Stages of Personality Development Personality is set by age seven! Problems in adults come from poorly resolved conflicts during childhood Who else discussed conflict during childhood as a foundation for later issues??? In each stage the id focuses on a different part of the body

20 Oral Stage Age: 1-18 months Focus Pleasure Center: mouth Behaviors: Sucking, biting, chewing Conflict Weaning Failure: Oral Fixation Gum chewing, fingernail biting, smoking Emotional Dependence

21 Anal Stage Age: 18-36 months Focus Pleasure Center: bowel and bladder function Behaviors: Controlling bowel and bladder function Conflict: Potty Training Failure: anal fixation Dominating Requires things neat and perfect; too much control (inverse is not enough control, messy)

22 Phallic Stage Age: 3-6 years Focus Pleasure Center: Genitals Behaviors: coping with incestuous feelings Conflict: Oedipus Conflict Love for their mothers and hatred, fear, or jealousy of the father Fear punishment from the father Views father as competition Other psychoanalytic psychologists propose an Electra Complex Fixation: obsession with phallic objects and emotional power

23 Latency Stage Age: 6-Puberty Focus Dormant sexual feelings Conflict: Repress feelings towards rival parent; identification process Children now view the same sex parent as a role model  gender identity What defense mechanism does this remind you of?

24 Genital Stage Age: Puberty on Focus: maturation of sexual interests Mature sexual relationships


26 Exit Ticket Answer the following questions on a sheet of white lined paper: turn it in to leave -List each stage and the corresponding age in the correct order. -Describe three individuals: one is “stuck” at the oral stage, one the anal stage, and one the latency stage. HOMEWORK-DUE TOMORROW 11/13 Finish your defense mechanisms paragraphs.

27 Do Now Take out your defense mechanisms prompt. Put your name on it and have it ready to pass forward when asked. Answer the following questions in your notebook -What Freudian stage of development would a potty training three year old be in? -If this child did not successfully resolve the conflicts of this stage, what behaviors would they exhibit later in life? -What are several techniques of psychoanalysis (hint use your biography and movie notes)

28 Learning Target Explain the principles of Freud’s theory of dream analysis Apply this theory to a dream scenario in the psychoanalytical stage of development

29 Why Do We Dream Wish fulfillment Gratification of unconscious desires and needs Manifest Content: Surface story Latent Content: Disguised psychological meaning

30 Exit Ticket Answer the following question in your notebook -How did Freud apply his theory of dream analysis to hysterical patients -What do you believe to be true about the theory of dreams, what do you believe to be false. Why?

31 Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams: Learning Target 1.Give one reason why we dream. 2.Explain Freud’s theory of dream analysis and apply this theory to dreams.

32 Some Freudian Techniques Condensation: Different ideas come together, so one symbol has multiple meanings

33 Some Freudian Techniques Displacement: Replacing a disturbing or unacceptable desire/image/idea with something acceptable

34 Some Freudian Techniques Representation: Process where thoughts are converted into visual images

35 Some Freudian Techniques Symbolization: Neutral objects represent something unacceptable or unappealing (Freud most often believed symbols stood in for aspects of sexual life or people connected to it)

36 Some Freudian Techniques Rationalization: Reorganization of dreams into a logical order

37 Socratic Seminar Dialogue versus debate Listens to understand versus listen to find flaws Open-minded versus searching for an answer If you can’t hear let us know Ask questions R.e.s.p.e.c.t. No hands, but avoid talking over each other Add to your notes! Inner circle=speak and write, out circle=write

38 Rank Order the Words (1-4) Which word best fits with Freud and his Interpretation of Dreams Wisdom Love Soul Experience Truth

39 Socratic Seminar-Do Now Using your exit ticket responses, discuss with the classmate behind you what you felt was true and what was false.

40 Reflection Answer the following questions on a sheet of white lined paper 1.How did you feel about the Socratic Seminar? Like it, didn’t like it? What was good, what was bad? Why 2.How is your opinion of Freud different? 3.What value can we take from Freud’s teachings?

41 Dream Prompt Using the dream journal you have been working on: -Describe the manifest content of one of your dreams -Describe the latent content of one of your dreams based on Freudian principles (symbols, hopes/wishes, and unfulfilled life events) -Do you buy it; why or why not (Response should be formed in three, five+ sentence paragraphs) If you have to consult any sources for the latent content cite these sources!

42 Neo-Freudians Learning Target 1.List and describe the Neo-Freudians Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, and Karen Horney 2.Compare and contrast Freud and these three Neo- Freudians. 3.Describe the impact of Freud on modern psychology.

43 Learning Target Explain the contribution of the contemporary psychoanalytical psychologists Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, and Karen Horney Evaluate the truth and value of psychoanalytic psychology

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