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Animal Adaptations Chapter 8.

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1 Animal Adaptations Chapter 8

2 Basic needs are the things all living things need to survive.
What are basic needs? Basic needs are the things all living things need to survive. WATER FOOD AIR SHELTER

3 How do plants meet their basic needs?
WATER They take water from rain and moist soil FOOD They use sunlight to make their own food SHELTER Plants grow in places that are right for them; the right environment. AIR Plants take air in through openings on their leaves

4 How do animals meet their basic needs?
WATER Animals drink water from streams, puddles, and other water sources. FOOD Some animals catch their food. Some animal scavenge on dead animals. Some animals eat plants and insects. SHELTER Animals find places that provide shelter or they build their own shelter. Shelters can be burrows, caves, hollow logs, nest, and more. AIR Land animals breath oxygen from the air through, and water animals get their oxygen from the water.

5 People Have Needs WATER FOOD AIR SHELTER cars televisions cell phones
What do people need to survive? WATER FOOD AIR SHELTER What do people have that is not necessary for survival? cars televisions cell phones tablets fast food

6 What are adaptations? An adaptation is a body part or behavior that helps it survive. Physical Adaptations Physical characteristics that allow the animal to fill its niche in its environment Behavioral Adaptations Things the animals DO to fit in their niche in the environment

7 Physical Adaptations These are some physical adaptations:
A long tongue for catching insects A long neck for reaching high leaves Sharp claws for catching prey Keen eyesight for seeing prey from distances Poison skin for protection from predators A keen sense of sight or smell

8 Behavioral Adaptations
These are some behavioral adaptations: Migrating to warmer climates Hibernating Some animals live alone, some animals live in groups. Some animals can freeze; hold extremely still.

9 Camouflage Camouflage is another adaptation. Animals have colors, shapes, or patterns that allow them to blend into their environment.

10 Camouflage

11 Instincts Instincts are behaviors that animals begin life with that help them meet their basic needs. Instincts are passed through many generations. Instincts are inherited traits.

12 Instincts What instincts does the orb spider have?
The spiders are born knowing how to spin a web. They are born knowing the pattern of its own web. What instincts does the weaverbird have? The birds are born knowing how to build their complex nests.

13 What are other types of instincts?
Babies know to cry to signal their caretakers. Birds know how to build their nest. Zebras know that living together in herds helps them survive. Leatherback turtles instinctively head for the ocean after hatching.

14 Hibernation Hibernation is a dormant, inactive state.
Hibernation is an instinctive behavior. Normal body activities slow down. The heart beats extremely slow. Breathing almost stops. Body temperatures tremendously.

15 Hibernation Animals hibernate in order to survive the cold winter months in their environment. Animals spend the spring, summer, and early fall eating in order to gain body fat. They find suitable places for their winter dens. Their body slowly burns off the fat through the winter to keep the animal alive.

16 Hibernation

17 Hibernation Animals that hibernate have adapted to what kind of conditions? Colder temperatures, Less food How are the needs of hibernating animals different than those who do not hibernate? Need little or no food What body changes happen to hibernating animals? heart rate slows, respirations slows, body temperature decreases What must an animal do before it hibernates? Eat a lot of food to gain weight, Make a shelter

18 Migration Migration is when animals regularly move as a group from one region to another and back. Migration can depend on several factors. Migration is an instinctive behavior. Animals generally migrate to a place with better food and climate.

19 Migration

20 Extinction Extinction means all the members of a group of living things have died. Extinction can be caused by several factors.

21 climate changes, natural disasters
Extinction What are some natural causes of extinction? climate changes, natural disasters What are some unnatural causes of extinction? Human Activity What kind of human activity is damaging ecosystems? land clearing, deforestation, filling in wetlands, introducing nonnative species of plants and animals

22 Extinction How have humans made positive changes and helped the environment? 1973: Endangered Species Act was passed. Endangered Species Act lists plants and animals by how small their populations are and protects groups of animals whose populations are small enough that they are at risk of becoming extinct. State and National Parks are places that protect endangered animals.

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