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You cannot tell by observation when the Kingdom of God comes. There will be no saying, “Look, here it is!” or “There it is!”; for, in fact, the Kingdom.

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Presentation on theme: "You cannot tell by observation when the Kingdom of God comes. There will be no saying, “Look, here it is!” or “There it is!”; for, in fact, the Kingdom."— Presentation transcript:


2 You cannot tell by observation when the Kingdom of God comes. There will be no saying, “Look, here it is!” or “There it is!”; for, in fact, the Kingdom of God is within you.” Lk. 17:20-21

3 Be still and know that I am God

4 Many of us as adults have lost touch with our capacity for the practice for meditation, we assume that children don’t have it either.

5 Tim – letting God into our hearts Maya – giving love to God James- being good Dale – helps us look after our friends

6  We learn much from the words that are shared.

7 1. Every child is born as a spiritual being

8 2. Be prepared to work with and alongside the child

9 3. Be an observer when leading, not a meditator

10 4. Listen to what the child has to offer

11 5. Honor each child or youth’s relation with the divine

12 6. Always try to make the experience of meditation positive

13 Prepare the space Make it inviting for quietness and meditation


15 But in their seats Is also OK

16 Sit very still with your back straight


18 Once medtiators have learned the simple song they can do this with their eyes gently shut

19  The word that is recommended is MARANATHA Stay with the same word the whole meditation. If you find your mind wandering, return to the word.

20 You stop when you hear the bell

21 Jesus, my friend Hold me, close to You Jesus, my friend. Help me, be like You. Jesus, my friend. To love like You, to live like You, Jesus my friend

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