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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 A BCDE

2 Question Column 1-100 Which travels faster – Sound or Light?

3 Answer Column 1-100 Light

4 Question Column 1-200 What is quantitative data?

5 Answer Column 1-200 numbers

6 Question Column 1-300 Name a room in Orchard that you could hear an echo.

7 Answer Column 1-300 Gym, cafeteria

8 Question Column 1-400 Explain 2 ways you can use a guitar to make different pitches.

9 Answer Column 1-400 Rate of Vibration, Frequency, thickness of string, tension of string, change the length of the string.

10 Question Column 1-500 If you shine an orange light on white, orange and black construction paper, which color paper will be the hottest and why?

11 Answer Column 1-500 The black paper because it absorbs the orange light. The orange and white paper reflect the orange light.

12 Question Column 2-100 Can sound bend? And why?

13 Answer Column 2-100 yes. It travels in all directions.

14 Question Column 2-200 What is frequency? How does it affect pitch?

15 Answer Column 2-200 The number of vibrations per second The more vibrations, the higher the sound

16 Question Column 2-300 Name a room in Orchard that you will never hear an echo.

17 Answer Column 2-300 A classroom – absorption of sound

18 Question Column 2-400 There are three bottles that have water in them. Bottle A has the lowest sound. Bottle B has the highest sound. Explain how much air is in each of the 3 bottles.

19 Answer Column 2-400 Bottle A has the most air Bottle B has the least air Bottle C has the amount of air in the midddle

20 Question Column 2-500 If we have an orange light that is directed toward white, orange, and black paper, which paper won’t get warmer and why?

21 Answer Column 2-500 White and orange won’t get warmer. They will stay the same temp. They reflect the orange light.

22 Question Column 3-100 Does Light travel better in a gas or a liquid?

23 Answer Column 3-100 A gas

24 Question Column 3-200 Why does light travel the fastest in a gas?

25 Answer Column 3-200 No molecules to get in the way

26 Question Column 3-300 Draw a diagram of a light ray reflecting off of a flat surface.

27 Answer Column 3-300 Incoming angle should the same as the out going angle

28 Question Column 3-400 Think of 5 tuning forks. The first one is the smallest and the last one is the longest. How will the pitch change from the first to the last and why does that happen?

29 Answer Column 3-400 The first one will be the highest because it is the shortest and the last one will be the lowest because it is the longest.

30 Question Column 3-500 Think of our sound lab where we used a tong. Dep., fishing line and a pencil. Which placement of the pencil will produce the highest pitch? Why

31 Answer Column 3-500 Closest to the tong. Dep. Because it is the shortest length.

32 Question Column 4-100 True or False Can sound travel through opaque materials?

33 Answer Column 4-100 True

34 Question Column 4-200 Why does sound travel worst in air?

35 Answer Column 4-200 Molecules are spread out and don’t vibrate very well

36 Question Column 4-300 Why does a stick in a glass of water look broken?

37 Answer Column 4-300 The light is refracted when it hits the water.

38 Question Column 4-400 Explain how sound is made on a harp?

39 Answer Column 4-400 Longer strings – low sound Shorter strings – high sound

40 Question Column 4-500 Name 6 items: 2 opague, 2 translucent, 2 transparent

41 Answer Column 4-500 Opague – desk, rock, tree, etc Translucent – wax paper, glass block, Transparent – window, glasses,

42 Question Column 5-100 Can light bend? Why or why not?

43 Answer Column 5-100 Yes, it can refract.

44 Question Column 5-200 What is pitch?

45 Answer Column 5-200 How high or low a sound is.

46 Question Column 5-300 Why does sound need matter or molecules?

47 Answer Column 5-300 The molecules or matter vibrate which causes sound

48 Question Column 5-400 A flute has holes at different distances from the mouthpiece. How does this create pitch?

49 Answer Column 5-400 More holes covered the longer the length and the lower the sound. Fewer holes covered the shorter the length and the higher the sound

50 Question Column 5-500 Look at the chart. What conclusion can you draw from this chart? Air Temperature (deg. C)Vibrations per second 10550 20700 30850 401000

51 Answer Column 5-500 The hotter it gets the more vibrations

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