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Project Orda Secure Key Distribution Over Ad Hoc Networks Security in Ad Hoc Networks – Team A Lane Westlund, Roderic Campbell, Mark Allen, Dima Novikov,

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Presentation on theme: "Project Orda Secure Key Distribution Over Ad Hoc Networks Security in Ad Hoc Networks – Team A Lane Westlund, Roderic Campbell, Mark Allen, Dima Novikov,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Orda Secure Key Distribution Over Ad Hoc Networks Security in Ad Hoc Networks – Team A Lane Westlund, Roderic Campbell, Mark Allen, Dima Novikov, David Campbell

2 Agenda  Review of Iolus, Key Graph Theories  Goals & Non-Goals  Schedule Review  Current Status  System Overview  Testing & Performance  Demonstration

3 Review of Iolus, Key Graph Theories  Goal of the Papers: Scalable, secure strategy for securely distributing re-key messages  As previously explained, Group-Oriented Re-keying: –Takes advantage of multicasting to send re-key messages –Needs small number of messages on join/leave –Outperforms User- and Key-Oriented Re-key

4 Review of Iolus, Key Graph Theories (Cont’d)  Problems with paper: –Makes assumptions about server’s capabilities –Ignores common problems (mass drop-off, etc.) –Doesn’t map well to ad hoc setting

5 Goals & Non-Goals  Goals –Secure Key Distribution –Scalable Key Distribution –No Static Central Authority/Server –Dynamic Topology –Mass Drop-Off Tolerant –Unique Keys for Each Server

6 Goals & Non-Goals  Non-Goals –User authentication –Access control –Malicious initial user –Preventing attacks by trusted members –Simultaneous joins

7 System Overview  Implemented our own rekeying algorithm, which uses ideas from the Iolus and Key Graph papers.  Minimizes necessary messages for secure key distribution  Algorithm example...

8 Schedule  Week 5: –Implementation –Class testing –Limited integration –Code review  Week 6: –Implementation –Unit testing (contractual) –Unit integration –Code review  Week 7: –Full integration –Stress testing –Documentation finalization  Week 8: –Submit project

9 Current Status  Not Mass-Join Tolerant  Synchronization Issues  Demo Application Works with Orda

10 Testing & Performance  Constant-time (roughly 12 seconds on CS machines) system updating after a user has left  Could not test scalability effectively

11 Demonstration & Questions  Code, javadoc, paper on website:

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