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Mystery lesson Why are Maria and Steve moving house?

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Presentation on theme: "Mystery lesson Why are Maria and Steve moving house?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mystery lesson Why are Maria and Steve moving house?

2 Can you unlock the mystery?  In your pair or group, decide the best way to sort out the information.  Remember there is no right answer! As long as you can justify your answer, that is fine!

3 Push and Pull  Draw a table in your books with the title ‘Urban – Rural Migration’  List the factors about the city that push people out and the factors about the countryside that pull people in.

4 Urban- rural migration PullPush Sense of community- village activities Crowded area – densely populated People look out for each otherMore expensive housing PeacefulPolluted Less pollutionCongested Cheaper housesSense of isolation Less trafficCrime and fear of crime

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