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Hosted by Ms. McGillian 100 200 400 300 400 Properties of Water Fresh and Saltwater Water Systems Water Cycle 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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Presentation on theme: "Hosted by Ms. McGillian 100 200 400 300 400 Properties of Water Fresh and Saltwater Water Systems Water Cycle 300 200 400 200 100 500 100."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hosted by Ms. McGillian

3 100 200 400 300 400 Properties of Water Fresh and Saltwater Water Systems Water Cycle 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 This property of water allows Insects to walk on it. What is surface tension?

5 1,2 This type of water conducts Electricity better. What is saltwater?

6 1,3 This is how much of the Earth’s surface is covered In water. What is 70%?

7 1,4 This part of the water cycle Is represented when you study How water moves across the Earth’s surface. What is surface runoff?

8 2,1 This correctly describes the Atoms that make up water. What is one atom of oxygen bonded to two atoms of hydrogen?

9 2,2 This type of water has A greater density. What is saltwater?

10 2,3 The reason freshwater organisms Are unable to survive in salt water. What is salt makes water leave their bodies and causes dehydration?

11 2,4 This is when water is released From the leaves of plants Into the atmosphere. What is transpiration?

12 3,1 Water is called this because It can dissolve more substances Than any other liquid. What is the “universal solvent”?

13 3,2 This type of water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees Celsius. What is freshwater?

14 3,3 This is a lowland area, such As a marsh or swamp, that Is saturated with moisture Most of the year. What is a wetland?

15 3,4 This is a part of the water cycle When water turns from a liquid Into a gas. What is evaporation?

16 4,1 Water is able to defy gravity And move up the xylem of A plant due to this property Of water. What is capillary action?

17 4,2 This type of water has a Neutral pH. What is freshwater?

18 4,3 This is a location where A river meets an ocean and the Water is a mix of fresh and salt water. What is an estuary?

19 4,4 This is how clouds form In our atmosphere. What is condensation?

20 5,1 This property of water allows Water to absorb a lot Of heat before it gets hot. What is high specific heat?

21 5,2 This type of water is more buoyant. What is saltwater?

22 5,3 The is the largest water system And has currents and waves. What is oceans?

23 5,4 This is when frozen water Changes into water vapor. What is sublimation?

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