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 Atlantic Ocean  Pacific Ocean  Indian Ocean  Southern Ocean  Arctic Ocean.

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Presentation on theme: " Atlantic Ocean  Pacific Ocean  Indian Ocean  Southern Ocean  Arctic Ocean."— Presentation transcript:


2  Atlantic Ocean  Pacific Ocean  Indian Ocean  Southern Ocean  Arctic Ocean

3  Nile River  Mississippi River  Sepik River  (There are more rivers)

4  Mediterranean Sea  The Black Sea  The Red Sea  The Arabian Sea  The Adriatic Sea  (There are more seas)

5  Lake Michigan  Lake Huron  Lake Superior  Lake Ontario  Lake Erie  (There are More Lakes)


7  There is water vapor in the air.


9  Ice  Snow  Water vapor

10  Surface runoff  Infiltrates into the ground  Rain clouds move and precipitate

11 We learned about  Forms of water: 1. Gas 2. Solid 3. Liquid  Places to Find it: 1. Bodies of water  How Water Moves:  Through the water cycle

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