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A slope is a type of mathematical process that measures that steepness of the line of any object. In order to find the slope you need to use the formula.

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Presentation on theme: "A slope is a type of mathematical process that measures that steepness of the line of any object. In order to find the slope you need to use the formula."— Presentation transcript:



3 A slope is a type of mathematical process that measures that steepness of the line of any object. In order to find the slope you need to use the formula or fraction called rise over run. Rise means how many points you move up or down from point to point, and run means how far left or right you go from point to point.

4 A positive slope is when the line goes up through the right, or when it goes from left to right, as if we were reading (we read from left to right), or if it goes uphill.

5 A negative slope manifests itself when the line goes down and to the left, as if it were going downhill. It just like reading Hebrew; going from the right to the left.

6 Once upon at time there was a youth named Alexander (He’s the boy in the photo). Alexander was 13 years old and loved to experience many adventures. Since his birthday was on January 15, Alexander decided that he would go skiing in many places all around the United States so he could become very good at skiing all the while being able to learn about slopes from a mathematical and physical standpoint and personal point of view. So, he packed all the warm clothes he could, because he was going to go to a total of five Ski Resorts and a total of five mountains. So, the adventure begins!

7 It was a sunny day, the day Alexander arrived at the Appalachian Ski Mountain Resort. When he arrived there, he decided after a look at the map, that he would go on Slope 2 on the map; the Appaltizer Slope which was the easiest. He then took the lift (Letter E on the map), and arrived at the top of the slope. When he was on top, he looked down, and saw that this slope wasn’t scary at all, because it was a positive slope that wasn’t too steep, which meant that it was easier for him to go down than to go up. He pushed himself off the slope and laughed because that slope was great! After that, he found that that the slope he skied on, wasn’t very steep, so that was why it didn’t have a lot of slope.

8 It was the next day of skiing for Alexander. He decided that he would try to find a slope that wasn’t too steep, or it would be too hard to climb up and would go super fast, which would mean that he could tumble down and hurt himself. So, Alexander chose the Strudel ski mountain, which was of intermediate difficulty. The mountain didn’t seem to be too steep going up, but when Alexander took the lift and got to the top of the ski mountain, he saw that the bottom was a dizzily long way down. That mountain was a negative slope, and it had more slope than the first mountain Alexander went on, because it was more steep. Even though this mountain wasn’t the steepest mountain in the resort, it still was pretty high for Alexander.

9 It snowed outsider, but it also was the third day of skiing for Alexander. He knew that he would try the hardest of all the slopes; the Upper Big Appal slope, which was immensely huge. So, Alexander went on the lift to the slope, and he started to think about this mountain’s slope, which was a lot, because this slope almost was vertical, and that meant that if he wasn’t careful, he could tumble while he was skiing this one. So, he looked down from the slope, and when he jumped from the mountain to start skiing, all of a sudden, he lost his skiing poles and then landed in the cold snow, but not after rolling around for about 10 minutes. When he finally got out of the snow, he thought to himself that the reason he had fallen from the mountain was because the mountain’s steepness gave it a lot of slope. He then promised to himself that he would try a free-style slope tomorrow in order to practice for another difficult mountain.

10 It was a clear day for Alexander. He was going to ski on the Appallop mountain today, in order to try to ski on another bigger mountain the next day. So, Alexander went on the mountain’s lift and arrived at the mountain’s peek. He looked at it, and saw that it was more steep and long than the mountain he went on the other day, but this he knew was where he could master his abilities as a skier. He then knew that it was time, so he jumped and skied. Since he had been practicing for so many days, he skied very well on this mountain and went super fast, after many trail and error moments and falls. By the end of the day, he knew that he almost was a professional and that he was ready to try another hard slope the next day. On the way to his hotel room, he started thinking, that the mountain he went on today had a lot of slope, but because he went slow enough, he didn’t tumble down the slope. From that moment on, he knew that speed was the key to all of this.

11 This day was his last day. Alexander knew that if he didn’t accomplish one of the hardest slopes; the Hard Core mountain he would be a professional skier, just like the man in the picture. So, he took the lift up the mountain one last time, and stood at the top of the Hard Core mountain. He then jumped and skied, in order not to fall and tumble, he occasionally braked. After about 15 minutes, he had finished this last huge mountain! He was over filled with joy, and he knew that he had finished this mountain, because even though it had a big slope: it was steep, he had conquered it by slower speeds than the first time he had tried to ski a difficult mountain like this one. He knew when he got home, he would have so much to tell his parents; his test and his success.

12  http://ecx.images-  slope.htm slope.htm  study/&usg=__N1N84zQ9EKsrjOVPflDQVeC8lGs=&h=300&w=3 96&sz=15&hl=en&start=2&itbs=1&tbnid=Fv8RayshhW2o2M:&tb nh=94&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDark%2BHelmet%26 hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1  m/albums/gg189/marnold77/funny-cat- ski.jpg&imgrefurl= hFqmf4EoNUj3aW-P- AB3QM6s=&h=320&w=307&sz=54&hl=en&start=3&itbs=1&tbnid =whCi5DNzjgbcgM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq% 3Dcat%2Bskiing%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1   http://ecx.images-  algebra/beg_alg_tut23_slope.htm algebra/beg_alg_tut23_slope.htm   52.jpg

13 Aspectos a calificarPunteo Incluir portada /5 Definición de “slopes” /10 Diferencia entre “positive y negative slopes” /10 Incluir una historia con 5 montañas /25 Incluyó efectos y transiciones /25 Incluyó Imágenes /10 Creatividad /10 Guardar en el folder correcto /5 Total /100

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