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Hattie and Timperley (2007) describe three questions that guide learning for students: Where am I going? (Learning intentions) How am I going? (Success.

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Presentation on theme: "Hattie and Timperley (2007) describe three questions that guide learning for students: Where am I going? (Learning intentions) How am I going? (Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hattie and Timperley (2007) describe three questions that guide learning for students: Where am I going? (Learning intentions) How am I going? (Success Criteria) Where to next? (Feedback)

2 Can your students answer the following questions  What am I learning?  Why am I learning it?  How will I learn it? (Process)  How will I know I have learnt it? (Product)

3 Learning Intentions Both teacher and student need to be clear about what is being learnt.

4 The Difference Between Learning Intention and Success Criteria LEARNING INTENTION Broad statements General intentions Describes what is to be learned Connects to “big ideas” and prior learning Often not measureable SUCCESS CRITERIA Specific Concrete Describes what success looks like when the learning goal is reached Measureable

5 Learning Intentions are: For Teachers… * what you want the pupils to learn * a broad description of what learners can expect to learn in specific lesson or piece of work * a description of the learning not the task

6 We are see how...the ways in understand be able get better at...

7 Success criteria are: * how the pupils (and teacher) know to what extent the learning has been achieved * specific descriptions of what learners can expect to learn and what they need to show evidence of

8 Year 1 Maths Learning Intention: Use directions Success Criteria: Give and follow directions Follow directions on a grid Give directions to find an object

9 Year 1 Maths Learning Intention: Representing one-half Success Criteria: Describe a 'whole' Share a whole into two equal parts Make two equal parts of a whole

10 Year 5 Maths Learning Intention: Using rounding and estimating of whole numbers Success Criteria: Round numbers to the nearest ten or hundred Use rounding to estimate answers to calculations Recall multiplication facts

11 Year 5 Maths Learning Intention: Comparing and ordering unit fractions Success Criteria: Identify the larger or smaller of a pair of fractions, justifying your selection Order fractions and place on a number line

12 Prep Maths Learning Intention: Matching familiar objects Success Criteria: Match objects that are the same Sort objects looking at their shape Give one reason why you have put the same object together

13 Prep Maths Learning Intention: Counting to determine how many Success Criteria: Count forwards and backwards from a starting point Count how many things are in each group Show your counting – draw a picture Show which group has more or less

14 Year 3 Science – Is it living? Exploring non- living things Learning Intention: Show that things can be grouped as non-living. Success Criteria: Identify non-living objects Collect evidence of non-living things through a field walk Create an identification card Create a key for non-living things Share conclusions about non-living things

15 Year 4 Science Learning Intention: Recognise and understand that the world has many different natural regions (biomes). Success Criteria: Name the biome Australia is located in. Identify at least 4 other biomes on a world map. Describe where each of these biomes are located (using direction/ latitude information) Use an atlas


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