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THINKING ABOUT THE THINKING BRAIN Lesson 1. Give me an example of a problem or obstacle you have experienced about learning in one of your classes INTRODUCTION.

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Presentation on theme: "THINKING ABOUT THE THINKING BRAIN Lesson 1. Give me an example of a problem or obstacle you have experienced about learning in one of your classes INTRODUCTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 Give me an example of a problem or obstacle you have experienced about learning in one of your classes INTRODUCTION WARM-UP

3 Do you ever think about your brain? Do you ever think about how to use your brain best? Do you take your brain for granted? YOUR BRAIN

4 “ I ’ m usually good at classes like Social Studies and Physical Education, but I get nervous before a math or a science test. It ’ s like I try to memorize everything, but when I sit down to take the test I can ’ t remember anything. My heart starts beating really fast, my palms get sweaty, and I just draw a blank. ” Suzanne 6 TH Grader in El Paso, Texas

5 “I’m not the best at English or Social Studies. It’s mostly because English is not my first language. Everybody else seems to know so much more than me that I get discouraged real easy. They can learn things so much faster that I just feel dumb and don’t even want to try.” Thomas 8 TH Grader in Boston, Mass.

6  atch?v=HMUKGTkiWik atch?v=HMUKGTkiWik STAR WARS

7  Luke had a fixed mindset  A Fixed Mindset is the belief that your intelligence, talents, and abilities are set and there is really nothing you can do to change or improve them.  Yoda had a growth mindset  A Growth Mindset is the belief that people can learn, they can change, and they can become better at something with effort, learning strategies, and help from others. MINDSET

8  The brain has an amazing ability to grow and develop just like a muscle.  With a growth mindset, people believe they can learn, change and develop.  Do you know that people are not born “dumb” at Math or English, but that everyone can learn and improve... at ANYTHING? GROWTH MINDSET

9  watch?v=uwsZZ2rprqc watch?v=uwsZZ2rprqc A Clip About Grit

10  Grit: The combination of both persistence and resilience  Persistence: You keep going even when the going gets tough and you stay focused on the task at hand without getting distracted.  Resilience: You show toughness when you get knocked down and you bounce back and try again. GRIT Terminology

11  When things come easily you are not really learning.  Learning comes from struggle, from trying and failing, and then learning from your mistakes.  School is learning and learning is hard so school is supposed to be hard. What has GRIT got to do with Learning?


13  A Fixed Mindset is the belief that intelligence, talents, and abilities are set and there is really nothing you can do to change or improve them.  A Growth Mindset is the belief that people can learn, they can change, and they can become better at something with effort, learning strategies, and help from others.  Grit is a combination of persistence & resilience  A growth mindset helps you to understand that learning is hard work and possessing grit helps you to keep trying until you succeed. MINDSET & GRIT

14  Duckworth, A. L. (2013b). True grit. The Observer: 26(4), 1-3.  Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Ballantine Books: Random House.  Florida Virtual School (2013, August 14). Grit: the key to success at FLVS. Retrieved from v=uwsZZ2rprqc&list=UU9PsiogWteIFRmR6yZq4CGv=uwsZZ2rprqc&list=UU9PsiogWteIFRmR6yZq4CGQ  King, R., & King, D. (2011). Step-It-Up-2-Thrive. Thrive Foundation for Youth, Menlo Park, CA.  Lucas, George (1977, May 25). Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope [Video file]. Twentieth Century Fox. Retrieved from REFERENCES

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