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Primary School ‘Sveti Sava’ Class of 5&6 th year students with special education needs 28.10.2015. Pozarevac, Serbia.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary School ‘Sveti Sava’ Class of 5&6 th year students with special education needs 28.10.2015. Pozarevac, Serbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary School ‘Sveti Sava’ Class of 5&6 th year students with special education needs 28.10.2015. Pozarevac, Serbia

2 Lesson title: Colours and Numbers Lesson type: revision Lesson aim: to enable students to use words describing four colours (yellow, green, red, blue) and numbers from 1-5 ICT tools used: Smart board, amico software v.1.0.7.,

3 First we revised numbers

4 Then we revised colours.

5 Then there was a drawing task

6 This is how it was done

7 Mateja thought of drawing Mr. Balloon

8 Everyone liked the idea so we drew more Mr. Balloons

9 In the end, we watched a song on youtube called ‘Balloons are red’

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