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Welcome back!!! New year, a new start WHAT HAVE WE DONE UNTIL NOW? MCDISL.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome back!!! New year, a new start WHAT HAVE WE DONE UNTIL NOW? MCDISL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome back!!! New year, a new start WHAT HAVE WE DONE UNTIL NOW? MCDISL

2 Feedback Communicative competence Methodology Teaching language Planning

3 Communicative competence  What’s communication?  What’s competence?  Why developing linguistic communicative competence?

4 COMMUNICATION & COMMUNICATIVE  COMMUNICATION: (N)  The act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated.  the sending or exchanging of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs  COMMUNICATIVE (ADJ)  of or relating to communication: excellent communicative skills.  talkative; able or ready to talk with others: The lost little boy was not communicative.

5 Back on time  Jaques Delors UNESCO (1996) “4 pillars of education”. Learning to know, to do, to be & to live  New approach on education – by competences OECD - Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development European policies of education

6 Linguistic communication competence  Language is a tool  READING- Comprehend, use and analyze  WRITING- Compose for social purposes and personal needs  TALKING & LISTENING - Understanding meanings, context, formality to express and share information

7 Competence

8 Independent work  Write a composition thinking in these questions  How does this information will be useful for my study case?  What teaching practices support?  HOMEWORK  Find (research) a concept that best suit your teaching practices. Communicative competence- linguistic competence- competence

9 methodology  Approach  Method  Procedure  Technique Define them

10  Grammar translation  Direct method---speaking  Audiolingualism---substitution  PPP  Suggestopaedia—comfort and relaxed environments  TPR  The Silent Way --- teacher speaks as little as posible

11  CLT  TBL  Lexical approach---chunks of lexical information to be use

12 Team work  Write about what methodology it is useful for your teaching practices and why?  If you are eclectic, point out all you use and why? You can draw a comparision chart

13 Teaching language planning  What have you learn until now about planning?  Create a visual with your partner and explain to your classmates.  Watch the video and write a lesson plan with that structure

14 Richards’ videos    Xu0u043pEcKuaQuMrLKtmJMj6AVZ8I Xu0u043pEcKuaQuMrLKtmJMj6AVZ8I

15 Other videos 

16 References   Pérez Esteve, Pilar y Zayas, Felipe “Competencia en comunicación lingüística. Alianza Editorial  Harmer Jeremy “The practice of English Language Teaching”

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