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DiDA Diploma In Digital Application SPB D101 2006 FINAL.

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1 DiDA Diploma In Digital Application SPB D101 2006 FINAL

2 What is DiDA DiDa is a new course which was only recently started. It is one of the first courses which involves no exam and no paper. The coursework is put into a website called an e-portfolio and sent of to the examiner on a cd or via email.

3 Make Space Project WHAT IS IT ABOUT. DiDA D101 is the first part of a cpurse worth up to 4 GCSE’s. This first unit is about the make space campaign which can be found here and will involve a series of tasks which will be based around this theme. make space campaign which can be found heremake space campaign which can be found here You Will: Produce leafletsProduce leaflets Create an informational presentationCreate an informational presentation Use a database to store and retrieve info about the Make Space project and its members.Use a database to store and retrieve info about the Make Space project and its members.

4 Course details It is recommended that a minimum of 30 hours should be spent working on this brief in a controlled environment. The teacher must authenticate each student's work with confidence. While some work may take place in groups, the input of the individual student must be clearly identified and the judgements and conclusions reached must be their own. Evidence must be submitted in an eportfolio that conforms to the technical specification.

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