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Cloud Computing Paul Thompson

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud Computing Paul Thompson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud Computing Paul Thompson

2 The Challenge

3 Your company is launching a new product worldwide in one months time… You need your IT department to enable the marketing, distribution and support of the product.

4 Your CTO Here’s my shopping list; New server hardware, New software licences, Upgrades to power, cooling and DRM. We’ll need 24/7/365 99.999 support Will the network be able to support the volumes? I’ll need to do some testing I’ll need at least FOUR MONTHS…

5 Why not Use to the Cloud… Pay only for the server resources, applications and bandwidth that you need. When the rush is over turn it off and stop paying

6 What is Cloud Computing?

7 Traditional Enterprise = software component enterprise

8 Cloud Computing enterprise Storage, Infrastructure, Platform and Software as a Service

9 Characteristics Utility Billing No Lock-in Instant Provisioning Scalable Service Driven Internet Technology Multi Tenancy Application Agnostic Virtualised

10 Benefits

11 30% Reduction IT Capital Spend (Forrester 2008)

12 $110 $400 Amazon EC2 Enterprise Average Monthly Server Costs (Forrester 2008)

13 Low Lock-in Fast Deployment Cheap Sand Pit Environment Outsource non-core skills

14 Technical Challenges

15 Performance Stability Security ISV Support Locality Enterprise Standards Network

16 Cloud Computing Big savings, but it’s early days… Strong benefits

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