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BBI 3420 Critical Reading and Thinking Reading and Thinking Strategies BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea.

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Presentation on theme: "BBI 3420 Critical Reading and Thinking Reading and Thinking Strategies BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea."— Presentation transcript:

1 BBI 3420 Critical Reading and Thinking Reading and Thinking Strategies BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

2 Reading strategies Strategies that can help students read more quickly and effectively include: Previewing Previewing Predicting Predicting Skimming and scanning Skimming and scanning Annotating Annotating Contextualizing Contextualizing Questioning Questioning BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

3 Reading strategies Guessing from contexts Guessing from contexts Reflecting Reflecting Outlining and summarizing Outlining and summarizing Evaluating an argument Evaluating an argument Comparing and contrasting related readings Comparing and contrasting related readings Paraphrasing Paraphrasing BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea


5 READING FUNDAMENTALS ACT ~ Active Critical Thinking Skill 1 ~ Understanding the Subject, the Main Ideas & Subject, the Main Ideas & Supporting Ideas. Supporting Ideas. Skill 2 ~ Understanding Point of View, Argument and View, Argument and Supporting details. Supporting details. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

6 ACT ~ Active Critical Thinking (6 step system for reading, thinking & studying) ~ Preread Step 1 ~ Preread – overview of all major ideas in reading – activate your background knowledge. ~ Read Step 2 ~ Read – able to read actively, interact with the material with increased comprehension. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

7 Step 3 ~ Analyze What You Read Step 3 ~ Analyze What You Read – recognizing the author’s point of view, arguments and supporting details. – provides a basis for making your own judgments. Step 4 ~ Remember What’s Important Step 4 ~ Remember What’s Important – decide what you need to remember – learn techniques to aid your memory. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

8 Step 5 ~ Make use of What you read Step 5 ~ Make use of What you read – in class discussions – written assignments – oral reports – tests. Step 6 ~ Evaluate Your ACT Skills Step 6 ~ Evaluate Your ACT Skills – you will be able to analyze the feedback you receive in Step 5. – you will be able to analyze the feedback you receive in Step 5. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

9 Skill 1~ Understanding the Subject, the Main Idea & Supporting Details. Identifying the Subject Paragraph 1 Males and females in our culture speak different body languages. Males use power cues, such as expanded limb positions and serious facial expressions to create an overall impression of power, dominance, high status and activity. Females, on the other hand, use affiliative displays, such as smiles and head cants, to create an overall impression of submissiveness, subordination, low status and passivity. The subject is……. ? body language in men & women men & women power and submission BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

10 Paragraph 2 The tricky aspect of inflation is that rising prices often result in lower real incomes for buyers who can’t buy as much with their dollars. But from a seller’s viewpoint, rising prices for their products and services mean higher incomes. (Of course, the seller would probably have to pay higher prices for the resources they use.) Thus, the central problem with inflation is to identify who wins and who loses. The tricky aspect of inflation is that rising prices often result in lower real incomes for buyers who can’t buy as much with their dollars. But from a seller’s viewpoint, rising prices for their products and services mean higher incomes. (Of course, the seller would probably have to pay higher prices for the resources they use.) Thus, the central problem with inflation is to identify who wins and who loses. What is the subject of paragraph 2? the effects of unemployment. the effects of recession. higher costs of resources. the problem with inflation. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

11 Understanding the Main Idea The main idea is the main point the author is making about the subject, the idea the writer intends to prove. The main idea is the main point the author is making about the subject, the idea the writer intends to prove. Paragraph 1 Males and females in our culture speak different body languages. Males use power cues, such as expanded limb positions and serious facial expressions to create an overall impression of power, dominance, high status and activity. Females, on the other hand, use affiliative displays, such as smiles and head cants, to create an overall impression of submissiveness, subordination, low status and passivity. The main idea of paragraph 1 is that ……… males & females in our culture use different body language. males use power cues, such as expanded limb positions & serious facial expressions. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

12 Paragraph 2 The tricky aspect of inflation is that rising prices often result in lower real incomes for buyers who can’t buy as much with their dollars. But from a seller’s viewpoint, rising prices for their products and services mean higher incomes. (Of course, the seller would probably have to pay higher prices for the resources they use.) Thus, the central problem with inflation is to identify who wins and who loses. What’s the main idea in paragraph 2? The main idea must be broad enough to include every sentence in the paragraph. More often than not, the main idea is at the beginning of a paragraph, but sometimes it is in the middle or at the end. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

13 Finding the Supporting Details The 3 rd part of each paragraph is support for the main idea. The 3 rd part of each paragraph is support for the main idea. In paragraph 1 the author gives examples of expressions & postures used In paragraph 1 the author gives examples of expressions & postures used by males & females to create different overall impressions. by males & females to create different overall impressions. The paragraph can be outlined as follows: 1. (Main idea) Males & females in our culture speak different body languages. A. (Supporting example) Males use power cues, such as expanded limb positions and serious facial expressions to create an overall impression of power, dominance, high status and activity. B. (Supporting example) Females use affiliative displays, such as smiles and head cants, to create an overall impression of submissiveness, subordination, low status and passivity. B. (Supporting example) Females use affiliative displays, such as smiles and head cants, to create an overall impression of submissiveness, subordination, low status and passivity. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

14 Paragraph 2 The tricky aspect of inflation is that rising prices often result in lower real incomes for buyers who can’t buy as much with their dollars. But from a seller’s viewpoint, rising prices for their products and services mean higher incomes. (Of course, the seller would probably have to pay higher prices for the resources they use.) Thus, the central problem with inflation is to identify who wins and who loses. The tricky aspect of inflation is that rising prices often result in lower real incomes for buyers who can’t buy as much with their dollars. But from a seller’s viewpoint, rising prices for their products and services mean higher incomes. (Of course, the seller would probably have to pay higher prices for the resources they use.) Thus, the central problem with inflation is to identify who wins and who loses. Main idea? A. Supporting reason B. Supporting Reason BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

15 IMPLIED MAIN IDEA Sometimes the main idea is implied rather than stated. You have to infer what the author is saying by reading between the lines. Sometimes the main idea is implied rather than stated. You have to infer what the author is saying by reading between the lines. Study the following paragraph and identify the implied main idea. Study the following paragraph and identify the implied main idea. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

16 Paragraph 3 To get a clearer idea of what happens, imagine a woman with a family of three young children receiving Aid for families with Dependent Children(AFDC). The father has disappeared. The mother receives assistance in the form of cash, food stamps, and medical care. If the woman finds a job, for every $100 she earns, she will have to pay $7 in Social Security taxes. Typically she will lose about $53 in AFDC benefits and $25 worth of food stamps. Taxes (assuming no income tax) and lost benefits total $67; for every $100 she earns, she increases her net income by only $33. The marginal tax rate on work is thus 67 percent, a much higher rate than the maximum tax rate paid on earned income. (The maximum federal income tax rate on individuals, excluding Social Security taxes is 28 percent) To get a clearer idea of what happens, imagine a woman with a family of three young children receiving Aid for families with Dependent Children(AFDC). The father has disappeared. The mother receives assistance in the form of cash, food stamps, and medical care. If the woman finds a job, for every $100 she earns, she will have to pay $7 in Social Security taxes. Typically she will lose about $53 in AFDC benefits and $25 worth of food stamps. Taxes (assuming no income tax) and lost benefits total $67; for every $100 she earns, she increases her net income by only $33. The marginal tax rate on work is thus 67 percent, a much higher rate than the maximum tax rate paid on earned income. (The maximum federal income tax rate on individuals, excluding Social Security taxes is 28 percent) BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

17 Which is the implied main idea? Welfare mothers don’t want to work. Welfare mothers don’t want to work. Welfare mothers don’t get much for their work. Welfare mothers don’t get much for their work. Welfare mothers should work. Welfare mothers should work. Welfare mothers should get a lower income tax rate. Welfare mothers should get a lower income tax rate. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

18 Outlining the Main Idea and Supporting Details Outlining gives you a way to visualise the relationship between the main idea and the supporting details and therefore helps you to understand what you have read. Outlining gives you a way to visualise the relationship between the main idea and the supporting details and therefore helps you to understand what you have read. Outline para 3. Note that there are two levels of supporting details: major and minor ( the minor details support the major ones). Outline para 3. Note that there are two levels of supporting details: major and minor ( the minor details support the major ones). BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

19 I.____________________ I.____________________ (Implied main idea) (Implied main idea)A.______________________ (supporting fact/major detail) (supporting fact/major detail) 1. ______________________ 1. ______________________ (Minor Detail) (Minor Detail) 2. ______________________ 2. ______________________ (Minor detail) (Minor detail) 3. ______________________ 3. ______________________ (Minor detail) (Minor detail)B._________________________ (Supporting fact/major detail) (Supporting fact/major detail) BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

20 Para 3 should be outlined as follows: I. Welfare mothers don’t get much for their work. A. For every S100 they earn, they keep only $33. A. For every S100 they earn, they keep only $33. 1. They pay $7 in Social Security taxes. 1. They pay $7 in Social Security taxes. 2. They lose $53 in AFDC benefits. 2. They lose $53 in AFDC benefits. 3. They lose $25 in food stamps. 3. They lose $25 in food stamps. B. Their marginal tax rate is 67%. B. Their marginal tax rate is 67%. BBI3420 PJJ 2009/2010 Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea

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