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5 th Grade Math Learning Objective: We will add decimals. READY TO TEACH SM EDI ® Lessons ©2013 All rights reserved. EDI Lesson Overview Focus Standard:5.NBT.7.

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1 5 th Grade Math Learning Objective: We will add decimals. READY TO TEACH SM EDI ® Lessons ©2013 All rights reserved. EDI Lesson Overview Focus Standard:5.NBT.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Support Standard:SMP 1, SMP 2, SMP 3, SMP 6, SMP 7, SMP 8 Prerequisite(s):5.NBT.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left. Manipulative(s): Special Instructions: Vocabulary Academic:interpret, column Content:decimal number, addition, composing Support:

2 CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. READY TO TEACH SM EDI ® Lessons ©2013 All rights reserved. tens ones hundredths tenths What are we going to do? CFU Students, you already know how to identify the place and value for the digits of a decimal number. Now, we will use this skill to add decimal numbers. Make Connection We will add decimals. Learning Objective Activate Prior Knowledge A decimal number includes place values lower than the ones place. Digits to the right of the decimal point represent values less than one. 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 2 145 16 2 6 5 “Eight and twelve hundredths” “Fourteen and five tenths” “Sixteen” “Five and twenty-six hundredths” 1. 8.12 2. 14.5 3. 16 4. 5.26 Place Value 45 2 1 3 Decimal Point Ones Tens Hundreds Tenths Hundredths Write the decimal numbers in the Place Value chart below and read them aloud.....

3 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Add decimals Concept Development Addition (  ) means to put together. To add, numbers are lined up by the place value of their digits. A quick way to line up decimal numbers by place value is to line up their decimal points. Composing a number means moving a group of numbers to the next higher place value. Composing is needed when the sum is 10 or more in a place-value column 1. 1 lined up and down (gesture) Vocabulary Tom and his grandfather went fishing. They both caught a fish. Tom’s fish weighed 8.12 pounds and his grandfather’s weighed 14.5 pounds. How many pounds of fish do they have altogether? They have 22.62 pounds of fish altogether. 450 812  2 6 2 1 2 1... Which choice shows 4.51+ 12.3 lined up correctly? How do you know? A B Which addition problem needs composing? How do you know? A B CFU 4.51 + 12.3 4.51 + 12.3 8.22 + 1.74 9.52 + 1.74 Place Value 45 2 1 3 Decimal Point Ones Tens Hundreds Tenths Hundredths

4 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Line up the decimal numbers by the place value of their digits. Add the digits in each place value. Hint: Start at the digit in the lowest place value. Compose a number, if needed. Hint: Move a group of numbers to the next higher place value. Interpret 2 the sum. Hint: Answer the question. Add decimals. 1 2 3 a  Skill Development/Guided Practice 1. 4.6 + 3.52. 5.8 + 3.7 3. 5 + 1.614. 4 + 2.13 Eight and one tenth Nine and five tenths Six and sixty-one hundredthsSix and thirteen hundredths 1 How did I/you line up the digits by place value? How did I/you add each digit? How did I/you compose a number, if needed? CFU 2 2a 1 2 explain Vocabulary 3 5 6 4.. 1 8. 1 . 5 9 7 3 8 5.. 6 3 1 2 4 1 6 6 1 0 5...... 6 1 0 0 0 1 3 + + Place Value 45 2 1 3 Decimal Point Ones Tens Hundreds Tenths Hundredths Addition (  ) means to put together. Composing a number means moving a group of numbers to the next higher place value. Composing is needed when the sum is 10 or more in a place-value column.

5 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Line up the decimal numbers by the place value of their digits. Add the digits in each place value. Hint: Start at the digit in the lowest place value. Compose a number, if needed. Hint: Move a group of numbers to the next higher place value. Interpret the sum. Hint: Answer the question. Add decimals. 1 2 3 a Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) Addition (  ) means to put together. Composing a number means moving a group of numbers to the next higher place value. Composing is needed when the sum is 10 or more in a place-value column. 5. 15.3 + 176. 13.9 + 18 Thirty-two and three tenths Thirty-one and nine tenths...... 0 0 1 3 8 1 9 31 1 3 2 3 7 1 351 1 9 + + Place Value 45 2 1 3 Decimal Point Ones Tens Hundreds Tenths Hundredths How did I/you line up the digits by place value? How did I/you add each digit? How did I/you compose a number, if needed? CFU 2 2a 1

6 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) 7. Jody bought two packages of meat for the family barbeque. One package weighed 10.65 pounds and the other package weighed 12.43 pounds. How much meat did she have altogether? 8. Brandon weighed two containers of pennies. One container weighed 15.78 pounds and the other container weighed 22.41 pounds. How many pounds of pennies did Brandon have altogether? Jody had ___________ of meat for the barbeque. Brandon had ___________ of pennies. 23.08 pounds 38.19 pounds.. + 3 2 8 2 1 4 9 1 1 5 7 8 8 0 3 2 3 4 2 1 5 601 1 1.... + Place Value 45 2 1 3 Decimal Point Ones Tens Hundreds Tenths Hundredths How did I/you determine what the question is asking? How did I/you determine the math concept required? How did I/you determine the relevant information? How did I/you solve and interpret the problem? How did I/you check the reasonableness of the answer? CFU 2 1 3 4 5

7 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Adding decimal numbers will help you solve problems with measurement. Adding decimal numbers will help you do well on tests. 1 Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to add decimal numbers? (Pair-Share) Why is it relevant to add decimal numbers? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why? CFU 2 Sample Test Question: 21. 12.32 + 4.5 A 12.77 B 16.82 C 12.57 D 16.42 Relevance Addition (  ) means to put together. Composing a number means moving a group of numbers to the next higher place value. Composing is needed when the sum is 10 or more in a place-value column. Nevaeh caught two big fish this morning. The first fish weighed 14.6 pounds and the second fish weighed 12.25 pounds. How many pounds of fish did Nevaeh catch? Nevaeh caught 26.85 pounds of fish. 2 6 8 5 1 2 2 5 1 4 6 0 +...

8 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Line up the decimal numbers by the place value of their digits. Add the digits in each place value. Hint: Start at the digit in the lowest place value. Compose a number, if needed. Hint: Move a group of numbers to the next higher place value. Interpret the sum. Hint: Answer the question. Add decimals. 1 2 3 a Skill Closure Addition (  ) means to put together. Composing a number means moving a group of numbers to the next higher place value. Composing is needed when the sum is 10 or more in a place-value column. 1. 7 + 5.12. 5.17 + 2.31 Twelve and one tenth Seven and forty-eight hundredths Access Common Core The addition problem 3.57 + 23 is lined up incorrectly. Explain what error was made and how the error can be fixed. What did you learn today about adding decimals? (Pair-Share) Use words from the word bank. Summary Closure. 51 07. 7 0 1 4 8 23 1 5 1 7 +... 1 2 1. 0 Place Value 45 2 1 3 Decimal Point Ones Tens Hundreds Tenths Hundredths  2 53. 7 3  Word Bank decimal addition place value composing

9 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Line up the decimal numbers by the place value of their digits. Add the digits in each place value. Hint: Start at the digit in the lowest place value. Compose a number, if needed. Hint: Move a group of numbers to the next higher place value. Interpret the sum. Hint: Answer the question. Add decimals. 1 2 3 a Independent Practice Addition (  ) means to put together. Composing a number means moving a group of numbers to the next higher place value. Composing is needed when the sum is 10 or more in a place-value column. 1. 2.5 + 3.92. 5.7 + 9.23. 4.21 + 3.41 4. 6.45 + 4.135. 12 + 17.576. 34.65 + 28 1. 39 52.. 1 2 1 0 5 1 6 1 4 9 4 6 7 3 4 4 2 2 1 1 9 2 7 5............... + + + + + 6 2 6 5 2 9 5 7 1 7 5 7 5 8 4 1 3 6 4 0 0 2 8 3 4 65 0 0 Place Value 45 2 1 3 Decimal Point Ones Tens Hundreds Tenths Hundredths 

10 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Independent Practice (continued) 7. Marilyn is buying lunch at the Deli. If she is buying a sandwich for $4.50 and a drink for $1.15, how much will her lunch cost? 8. Diego is going to the circus with his little brother. If his ticket costs $6.00 and his little brother’s ticket costs $4.25, how much will it cost for both tickets? “It will cost Diego ___________ for ________________.” both tickets lunch “It will cost Marilyn __________ for ____________.” +...... + 1 5 5 60 5 5 5 5 0 $10.25 6.00 + 4.25 4.50 + 1.15 0 2 4 2 0 6 1 4 1 $5.65 Place Value 45 2 1 3 Decimal Point Ones Tens Hundreds Tenths Hundredths

11 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Periodic Review 1 Access Common Core Before completing the problems below, identify the addition problems that will need composing. In which place value is composing needed? Explain how you know an addition problem will need composing. 9 2 1.9 2 1. 6 8. 1 1 1c.1b.1a. 73 65.. 81 84... 33 58. 3 3 ... 6 1 8. 6 1 8 2. 9 2 9 4. 8 0 1 2c.2b.2a. 62 501. 7 9 11 0 2818 0 574 0 15. 0 9.  0 3 1 4. 1 9 6 9 9 6. 8 0 1 1 12 1. 3c.3b.3a. 591 153.. 5 5 230 964.. 2 4 266 449.. 2 6 

12 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Periodic Review 2 Access Common Core “It will cost James ________ for the _____________________." “It cost ________for Juanita’s and her little sister’s ________________________.” $36.89 $17.75 pants and shirt tickets and popcorn 1. James is buying clothing at the store. If the pants he wants are $22.14 and the shirt is $14.75, how much will it cost for both items? 2. Juanita went to the movies with her little sister. If the tickets cost $14.00 and the popcorn costs $3.75, how much will it cost for the tickets and popcorn together? Oscar spilled White-Out on his math homework. Help Oscar fix his homework by filling in the missing numbers. Explain how you knew which numbers were missing. +272 4 33 6 17 1 4 9 1 1.... +210 5 3 2 1 37 1 7 0 3 2 6 1 7 2.... +283 6 3 5 817 0 0 6 2 8 0 3.... 1 22.14 14.75 + + 17.75 36.89 3.75 14.00

13 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Periodic Review 3 Access Common Core “It will cost ________ for the_____________________________ Josephine wants.” $16.85 notebooks and pencils 1. Josephine is buying new school supplies. The notebooks she wants cost $13.20 and the pencils she wants are $3.65. How much are the two altogether? 1. Describe and correct the error made in each of the addition problems. 2. Describe and correct the error made in each of the addition problems. 2c.2b.2a. 1c.1b.1a. + 0 + $. 9 16.85 3.65 13.20 + 440 45437 2 11 1 1.. 9 4 0 59.  72 0 01 5 3 0 1 1 1 1. 4. 2 6 8 2  5 00 2312 5 0 1 1 1 1.. 8 7 43 5.  332 586 2 76 5... 9 1 7 1 9  924 670 2 24 0... 4 9 8 0 4  679 89492 4... 9 0 6 76 

14 ©2013 All rights reserved. CCSS 5 th Grade Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 7.1 Add decimals. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. EDI – Cognitive, Teaching, and English Learner Strategies Learning Objective: We will add decimals. Elaboration Targeted Vocabulary Academic interpret, column Content decimal, addition, composing Support Demonstration Vocabulary Strategy Multiple-Meaning Synonym interpret Definition column, decimal, addition, composing Homophone Internal Context Clue Listen, Speak Similar Sounds WriteWriting Read Tracked Reading Comprehensible Input Cognates Contextual Clues Graphic Organizer Contextualized Definitions Pictures Language Strategies Cognitive StrategiesTeaching Strategies Content Access Strategies

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