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Image Editing Vocabulary Words Pioneer Library System Norman Public Library Nancy Rimassa, Trainer Thanks to Wikipedia ( help.

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Presentation on theme: "Image Editing Vocabulary Words Pioneer Library System Norman Public Library Nancy Rimassa, Trainer Thanks to Wikipedia ( help."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Editing Vocabulary Words Pioneer Library System Norman Public Library Nancy Rimassa, Trainer Thanks to Wikipedia ( help on definitions. Press Esc to close the show

2 File format a way to encode information for storage in a computer there are different kinds of formats for different kinds of information. computers figure out the kind of information contained in a file based on the section of its name that follows the dot.

3 . jpg (file name extension).jpeg,.jpe,.jfif and.jif are different extensions that are all used for this format. a commonly used method of compression for photographic images. The name JPEG (pronounced JAY- peg) stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group

4 Manipulated?

5 . gif (file name extension) an image format that uses a palette of up to 256 distinct colors the file size of an image may be reduced without degrading the visual quality the acronym stands for Graphics Interchange Format

6 Manipulated?

7 . tif (file name extension) used for storing images, including photographs and line art. is widely supported by image-manipulation applications acronym stands for Tagged Image File Format

8 Manipulated?

9 . eps (file name extension) a graphics file format. an EPS file contains a PostScript Bounding Box comment which layout programs use. includes a preview picture of the content, for on-screen display acronym stands for Encapsulated PostScript

10 Manipulated?

11 . bmp (file name extension) a bitmapped graphics format used internally by Microsoft Windows are not compressed, so files are typically much larger than a compressed image file are generally unsuitable for transferring images on the Internet

12 . png (file name extension) a bitmap image format that employs lossless data compression. designed for transferring images on the internet acronym stands for Portable Network Graphics

13 . pdn (file name extension) file format for Paint.NET files named with a.pdn extension will only open with the application

14 Lossy describes a data compression method wherein compressing data and then decompressing it retrieves data that may be different from the original, but is "close enough" to be useful. Most lossy data compression formats suffer from generation loss. Repeatedly compressing and decompressing the file will cause it to progressively lose quality..jpg,.gif, png are examples of lossy data compression formats

15 Lossless data compression that allows the exact original data to be reconstructed from the compressed data. preferred for text and data files.png and.gif use lossless compression

16 A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory.

17 Crop to remove unwanted areas from an image. may improve composition

18 Inverse selection To make everything but the selected area active.

19 Resolution a way to describe the detail an image can hold. applies to digital images, film images, and printed images. higher resolution means more image detail.

20 dpi a measure of printing resolution the number of individual dots of ink a printer or toner can produce within a linear one-inch space. acronym stands for Dots Per Inch

21 ppi a measurement of the resolution of a computer display may also be used to describe the resolution of an image scanner or digital camera acronym stands for Pixels Per Inch

22 Layers separate different elements of an image. think of them as transparencies stacked on top of each other

23 Scale reduce or enlarge in size not to be confused with changing the size at which an imaged is viewed

24 Pixel a single point in a graphic image. each information element is not a dot, or a square, but an abstract sample. stands for picture element

25 CMYK refers to ink on paper based on mixing pigments of the following colors to make other colors: C = cyan M = magenta Y = yellow K = black. works through light absorption.

26 RGB used to describe colored light. red, green, and blue light are combined in various ways to reproduce other colors. not to be confused with the primary pigments of red, blue, and yellow, known in the art world as ‘primary colors’.

27 Greyscale images of this sort are typically composed of shades of gray, varying from black at the weakest intensity to white at the strongest ColorGreyscaleBlack and White

28 Gaussian blur widely used effect in graphics software used to reduce image noise and reduce detail.

29 Drop shadow a visual effect, that creates what looks like the shadow of an object. gives the impression that the object is raised above the picture plane surface. drop shadows are best used on white or very light backgrounds.


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